Memory tests

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hi all me again☺️
I hope this time of year is going well for you.

Mum had her memory clinic test on Monday at her home. She said she answered all the questions and went well.
I received two calls from the team afterwards asking me to fill in the blanks she hadn't answered! Some of them were about her siblings, married life and work, all of which she hadn't known! So all wasn't fine.

We're now with family for Christmas, she's with my brother for a few days. But, she's rung a few friends saying she's staying with friends but doesn't know who they are and she should be going home soon.
She's text some friends with random numbers!

It's so sad but I can see that this trip isn't good for mum in so many ways. Apparently she's happy in herself but coming out with plausible but incorrect details and information.

It's like a puzzle that's being unravelled and the pieces just aren't nice or enjoyable to play. It's stressing me out I can tell you! I'm supposed to having a break but I've had to unravel all these messages this afternoon and fix them🤔 Goodness!!!

I honestly don't know what will be next!!!

Thanks again for listening 😌 xxx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m so sorry to hear this @Daughters concerns

I`m glad the memory team made contact with you about the gaps in your mother`s memory about her life even though I imagine it will have been a shock to you.

Perhaps once the holidays are over you may be able to organise some support to help you with your mother.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
That must have come as a shock hearing about the gaps in her memory
Im sorry to say that it is not unusual to find that the person with dementias take on what happened in a medical consultation is not the same as the person conducting it. Recollections may vary, as they say.

BTW, the plausible, but incorrect, information is probably what is called confabulation - a form of false memory where the subconscious brain is filling in gaps in the actual memory