Memory Clinic and update


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
Well after 3 months we have a diagnosis of Alzheimers for my man. It really wasn't what I expected, but then I discovered this week that he has multiple problems as well, so I suppose he had so many symptoms that it was difficult to pinpoint.

We hit crisis point on Saturday. I thought he was at the end of life stage. He started having pain so, in desperation, I rang 111 and was told to take him to A&E. He had a funny turn (silent stroke?) when at the triage nurse so was rushed to resuss where he was found to be severely dehydrated. Eventually he was assessed to have:- strokes, vascular dementia, Charles Bonnet Syndrome, psychotic delusions, depression, delirium, as well as swallowing issues! Then the Memory Clinic gave their assessment as Alzheimers as well!

My poor man! Almost laughed when I collected the prescription from his GP visit 2 day earlier...a hay-fever spray (!!) and Fortisip (despite neither eating or drinking!)

All I can say to anyone trying desperately to get a diagnosis, is persevere, even if things hit crisis point. And keep posting on here as this Forum kept me going.
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Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
(((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) @Pollywobble

Please get in touch with your GP on Monday and tell them that your man has dementia, is not eating and drinking and you think he may be at end of life.

There may be other reasons why he is not eating or drinking, but if the GP agrees that he is at EOL, then they will organise a "just in case box" of medication and get the District Nurses to attend


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear @Pollywobble I am so sorry to read what you and your man are going through. Is he home with you or still in hospital. If he is at home i do hope that you are getting lots of support and as @canary says make sure that the doctor is aware of his new diagnosis (all of them).


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
Thank you @canary and @SeaSwallow . I appreciate your support. He has been in hospital since last Saturday as he is too weak to come home yet.
Oh I forgot to add delirium to the list!!


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
Thank you @canary. We had an assessment in hospital and he won't be able to come home until a care package is in place. Thank goodness, because I collapsed from exhaustion whilst taking a quick break from A&E on Saturday and ended up in a different part to him!!!