Losing care home


Registered User
Dec 10, 2017
Hi, I haven't posted in here for ages because I think I posted when I was at my lowest or when at the start of our journey and learning from others. Our journey is much further along now and I need help again to publicize the new issue facing my husband. The threatened closure of his home.
Please see and share. The families of the residents in the two Kirklees dementia care homes desperately need publicity to force the council to change their minds And find another way to make cuts.

I am Helen. Previously I was extremely social media shy, hence use of my middle name on here. I've also really never wanted family members to her how hard this is, and the fear of my boys seeing how hard things have been for me but now with this threat I am needing to reveal some of my hardest moments something I really didn't want to do,which I am sure this community fully understands! Anyway if any body at all can share this please do to help our local campaign.
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Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
@Laura40 , this must be so traumatic for you. I’m not really into social media but hopefully this comment will bump the post to the top of the list again. How can any council put this kind of care to the bottom of the pile, where do they expect the residents to go. It is disgraceful. I hope they change their mind very soon.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2017
Thankyou, I think we need national media now, as our local pressure isn't getting anywhere. It all feels like a done deal.


Registered User
Sep 14, 2022
@Laura40 I’m so sorry to hear your story. We have experienced a bad care home and have been lucky to find an amazing one. It’s so important for both of you to find somewhere you’re happy with.
I’m shocked that the most vulnerable people in our community are being treated with such disregard. I’m sure you have already done this but have you contacted your MP?
I hope your campaign is successful,
Best wishes
Dawn x


Registered User
Sep 14, 2023
Hi. Im afraid I don’t do social media either but I read you story and my heart goes out to you and others affected. It’s dreadful that social care is suffering so badly with lack of investment and resources. Anything other than social media I can do let me know. I would be beside myself if anyone tried to close my OH’s care home. Sending support over the ether to you. Good luck HS x


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I too hope your campaign is successful @Laura40, though I understand the problems that councils have at present.
Do contact your MP and I hope your story gets picked up by national media so that a spotlight is shone on the serious problems there are with social care at present.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2017
Do contact your MP and I hope your story gets picked up by national media so that a spotlight is shone on the serious problems there are with social care at present.
thanks all, I have contacted our local MP and she has responded in Parliament today. We are trying really hard to get the news out as far as possible to put pressure on our local council. Hopeful they can come up with a different solution.


Registered User
May 24, 2015
thanks all, I have contacted our local MP and she has responded in Parliament today. We are trying really hard to get the news out as far as possible to put pressure on our local council. Hopeful they can come up with a different solution.
Hi Helen, sorry you find yourselves in this position. I have copied the story onto Twitter now known as X. I’ve asked main steam media to support the families affected. Don’t know how successful it will be but worth a try. Good luck, hope you get some national coverage which forces a change of decision!


Registered User
Dec 10, 2017
Hi Helen, sorry you find yourselves in this position. I have copied the story onto Twitter now known as X. I’ve asked main steam media to support the families affected. Don’t know how successful it will be but worth a try. Good luck, hope you get some national coverage which forces a change of decision!
Thankyou so much, that's brilliant. I'm not social media savvy but we have one person on our campaign that has set up a Facebook group for us and Twitter sounds s good route too, thanks for that.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2017


Registered User
May 24, 2015
Thankyou, I hadn't heard of them. I will share in our family resident group and get on with contacting them as well. Really appreciate this so thankyou again.
I’m a member of CareRightsUK Laura, we were originally called Rights for Residents. We were developed during COVID in response to the harsh lockdowns in care homes. Our leaders Jenny and Diane forced change in government policy and our aim is to have legislation so that we will never again be locked out of caring for a loved one in any care setting.
If they can help with getting media attention on your plight they will do their best. Good luck, I’ll look out for anything on socials and keep posting.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
It is so good to read a good news story for a change, well done to everyone involved. And thank you for sharing.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Such good news. Well done to you and others involved in ensuring the success of the campaign. This has made me smile 😊