Lopsided gait - anyone else noticed this please?


Registered User
Feb 10, 2021
Hi, my oh had a reunion with old friends and they went for A walk up a mountain. They realised my oh wasn’t on top form and came back down. On the way downM his gait became so lopsided and his body bent over to the left, that 2 friends had to help him walk very slowly down. Paramedics thought it was a stroke but tests did not show that and the consultant decided it was probably due to over exertion and possible dehydration. He recovered within 24 hours and is now back to ‘normal’. Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering if it’s part of the disease.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
If medically a stroke or TIA has been ruled out then as suggested constipation or dehydration may well be a cause along with simple physical overexertion or possibly a pulled muscle or sprain. Is he able to articulate if he's feeling any pain? K


Registered User
Feb 10, 2021
If medically a stroke or TIA has been ruled out then as suggested constipation or dehydration may well be a cause along with simple physical overexertion or possibly a pulled muscle or sprain. Is he able to articulate if he's feeling any pain? K
Thanks Kevini. He did seem to feel pain in a few places but it kept moving. Or at least he kept pointing to different places. He is back to normal now.

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Hi, my oh had a reunion with old friends and they went for A walk up a mountain. They realised my oh wasn’t on top form and came back down. On the way downM his gait became so lopsided and his body bent over to the left, that 2 friends had to help him walk very slowly down. Paramedics thought it was a stroke but tests did not show that and the consultant decided it was probably due to over exertion and possible dehydration. He recovered within 24 hours and is now back to ‘normal’. Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering if it’s part of the disease.

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
My husband is increasingly quite stooped. And also sometimes is lopsided to the left as the day goes on.
I have tended to think it's his way of keeping his balance which is not great. (Stairs are out of the question.) He constantly paces and gets exhausted.
I hadn't thought about constipation!


Registered User
Feb 10, 2021
My husband is increasingly quite stooped. And also sometimes is lopsided to the left as the day goes on.
I have tended to think it's his way of keeping his balance which is not great. (Stairs are out of the question.) He constantly paces and gets exhausted.
I hadn't thought about constipation!
Thank you Anniek, my hubby also paces and it’s tricky to get him to be still. I think perhaps I need to protect him from getting exhausted. Not sure how but I shall try.

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Thank you Anniek, my hubby also paces and it’s tricky to get him to be still. I think perhaps I need to protect him from getting exhausted. Not sure how but I shall try.
Hello Chelseajude

I don't know how to stop the pacing either! He's upstairs now since November where at least it's carpeted. He can't manage the stairs as had 2 frightening falls on stairs and his balance is poor.
So I alternate with him being bare footed or just in socks to try to keep his feet comfortable!
Just unstoppable pacing at present. Even when family are around doing their bit. I can put favourite You Tube music on (Sea Sick Steve, Eric Clapton) and he will continue to pace while listening and sometimes clicking to the beat.
this music is driving me crazy to be honest!
on the positive side I am asked if he has pressure sores, is his skin intact and I have to say his skin is fine because he doesn't sit still long enough.
I think a tiny increase in medication is coming soon.
good luck!