Looking at other alternative therapies


New member
Hi there, I am in the process of setting up a blog to support Dementia and Alzheimer's. I have researched alternative therapies, such as Clinical Hypnotherapy and spoken in depth with a practitioner about the positive elements. I would love to know peoples thoughts and opinions on this matter in view of supporting this therapy, as much research has greatly supported it in the early stages of diagnosis. I will keep you all posted on my research outcomes and hope you guys can share some of your views. Annie x


Registered User
If alternative therapies were really helpful against any form of dementia, everyone would be advertising and using them. Dementia is at present an incurable and progressive disease, and while I have nothing against anyone researching things like hypnotherapy, I think you have to be careful not to give people false hope.

Btw, it's not Dementia AND Alzheimer's. Dementia is the umbrella term for all the different forms, one of which is Alzheimer's.


Registered User
I am somewhat nonplussed about what you hope to achieve with Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Please dont tell me that you are trying to retrieve lost memories.


Registered User
Will be blunt, I do not trust threads like this one. Alzheimers is a form of dementia and I am suspicious of the motives for your research. Apologises if I have misunderstood your post.


Registered User
My OH is supposed to use 'mindfullness' sessions, but he 'only' has Mild Cognitive Impairment at the moment. The mindfullness was prescribed by a Consultant Psychiatrist for anxiety, saying that early stages of some dementia types typically come with anxiety, and that knowing something isn't right can in itself can add another layer of anxiety on top of that. When he remembers to do it, it can be useful, but it only affects this one aspect, it has no effect on his MCI symptoms. I can only think that Hypnotherapy would have a similar calming effect, so wouldn't have any extra benefit. We wouldn't consider it.