Local group


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
I have just been diagnosed with mild cognitive disorder,which i,m told may worsen,and have been advised to join a group to help with memory problems.I don't know how to go about finding a local one,so can anyone help?
I have also been told that i can't use conventional drugs,due to a low heartrate,and i wondered what complementary and alternative treatments members have used and found to be useful,as there seem to be so many possibilities.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Dear Snowball,

Welcome to Talking Point and I do admire you for joining.

If you contact your local Alzheimer's Branch, they will give valuable advice and help.

More people will come on line and offer help and advice.

Best wishes


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Hi Snowball and welcome to Talking Point.

As Christine has suggested I would definitely contact the Alzheimer's Society. If you can't locate your local branch call the hot line 0845 300 0336

Was it your consultant who advised you to look for a local support group? Did he/she not have any suggestions? One problem I think you might encounter as you look for this is that whatever groups you do find will have people at varying stages. This may or may not work for you.

Another possible source of information is Mind at mind.org.uk

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Snowball

I`m sorry you have been diagnosed with such a worrying condition. I would refer to your consultant for advice about support groups. If s/he can`t help s/he could perhaps suggest who else might be able to advise you.

And of course the Alzheimers Society may know of support groups in your area.

My husband tried every alternative `remedy` we heard of, to no avail. He took Gingkho Biloba, B Vitamins, consulted a herbalist and an aromatherapist, to no avail. Of course We only have our own personal experiences to go by so I could not possible rubbish these treatments out of hand, but suffice to say we tried.

I can only suggest a healthy diet, wholesome and fresh food wherever possible, fresh air and exercise.

I wish you luck in finding a support group.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
This is Snowball's other half.
Thanks for the replies.I have found the address of the local Alzheimers Society,and we will contact them.
Our consultant was supposed to put us in touch with a group to help with memory strategies,but that was some weeks ago and we haven't heard yet,so guess we will have to chase them up.
We are both new to this,have had lots of scary info thrust at us,and been left to cope.My husband is naturally depressed,and i know he will feel better for knowing he is doing something to help himself.Also any tips for me for :confused:how i can help would be appreciated.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Dear Snowball's other half,

If you go to the main Alzheimer's page and check the fact sheets, you should find lots of information how you can help and support your husband.

Best wishes

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Snowballs other half.

any tips for me for how i can help would be appreciated.
It looks as if you are doing everything you can to help already.

Just play it by ear, be as supportive as you know how, read posts on Talking Point [TP] and the Alzheimers Society [AS] fact sheets, and post about any queries or experiences you have.

Take care xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Snowball and other half, just wanted to welcome you both to TP.

I'm sure you'll both find lots of support here.

All the best,

joanne k

Registered User
Apr 5, 2009
Non-Pharmaceutical therapy - recommended by NICE

Dear Mr & Mrs Snowball

You might find Cognitive Stimulation Therapy helpful. It is a group support programme, recommended by NICE that help rebuild confidence and is fun, sessions could be set up by your local Alzheimers Soc (there is funding currently available from the Dept of Health) and can be run with a simultaneous carers session/peer support group alongside. ******* has brief details of a Sussex based pilot and ************ for more details. If I can help further please let me know through PM. All the best Joanne:)

"I have removed your links from your posts as they contravene several of our T & C.

3.3 Messages containing contact details (web addresses, emails, phone numbers, fax numbers or postal addresses) are not allowed except with the prior written consent of the Alzheimer's Society.
3.4 Messages must not contain advertisements or references to products or services except with the prior written consent of the Alzheimer's Society.

Please PM Joanne for further information
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