Live in care or care home


Registered User
Apr 9, 2022
I have posted on here a few times in the past and had some lovely replies and advice so here I am again! Sorry for the long post.
My mums dementia has progressed and she has 24/7 hour care with 3 different carers and I am about to get a weekend carer plus myself stepping in. I find with all these different carers, I am constantly receiving texts and dealing with different situations. I realise my mum sees me as her safe person and constantly wants my advice and reassurance on things. The carers ask her not to call me but as soon as they leave the room she sneaks the phone into her bedroom and phones me. After a particularly bad episode a couple of weeks ago whereby mum flipped and phoned the police and myself about 30 times we unplugged the phone and told her it was out of order (she had an UTI). The relief of not having the constant phone calls at work and home is immense but mum is agitated because she can't contact me.
My mum still gets herself up in the mornings, washes and dresses herself and can most days prepare her breakfast (2 minute microwave porridge packs) and can potter around doing bits in the house, she sometimes says she wants to be on her own and that she is fine but within 10-15 minutes she gets frightened and anxious hence the live in carers.
She gets bored and wants to do something but there's only so much the carers can do - food shopping, tea and cake at the local garden centre and sometimes she doesn't want to go (again she only wants me).
I feel I am paying a lot of money for her care but I am still very much involved with the admin, speaking to gp and all the other stuff we have to deal with when caring for swd.
I am considering a care home and have found a lovely one that doesn't separate pwd from other residents so there appears to be lots going on and its more chintzy rather than the typical hotel type homes that seem to be more popular.
I have mixed feelings about keeping mum at home and me not being able to 'switch off' as I always seem to be involved and looking at my phone at updates as to what mood mum is in, what she's eaten, whether she's taken her tablets etc etc or putting her in the care home where I think she maybe more stimulated with the activities and other residents to chat to but feeling guilty for putting her there when she doesn't seem too bad a lot of the time.
If she goes into respite with the view of staying there what do I do about her current carers, do I pay them so they don't take another job or risk them finding something else as they will need the money and what if mum hates it after 2 weeks and wants to go home (even though she constantly says she wants to go home now and doesn't recognise where she lives).
As you can see I'm completely confused as what to do for the best for both me and my mum, she seems so bored at home but I think she may hate the care home and want to go 'home'.
She's sometimes so switched on and can talk about all sorts of stuff and sounds fine on the phone but other times so confused.

I have just re read my post and I don't really know what I am asking advice on, I probably just needed to vent and put down in words what I am thinking. Do I try and stick with the carers or try the home...


Registered User
Jul 14, 2022
So sorry you’re going through this, I recognise so much of your experience. I don’t think anyone can give you a right or wrong answer, because there isn’t one. Only your best gut feeling after weighing up the pros and cons of both sides. What do you think would serve your Mum’s needs best? Which decision is most sustainable for you? It’s hard but if you can take guilt out of the equation and keep your focus on your Mum’s needs, then I hope that this unavoidably difficult decision will feel a tiny bit less fraught. Best of luck, and please be kind to yourself.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
All I can tell you is that after having live in carers which she hated, my mum positively flourished in a care home because she had company when she wanted it and her own room when she didn’t. She loved the activities and having the staff around her.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2022
All I can tell you is that after having live in carers which she hated, my mum positively flourished in a care home because she had company when she wanted it and her own room when she didn’t. She loved the activities and having the staff around her.
That’s what I’m thinking with my mum, the carers irritate her and I think she may prefer the care home. Thank you


Registered User
Nov 13, 2019
My dad has got live in care and I keep thinking may be a care home would be better (for me as managing the house and carers is really hard work and I am exhausted!) But he is so mobile that he would be like a caged lion in a care home so I am going to persevere with live in care a bit least he can go for lots of walks at home. He also is losing ability to communicate so would find it hard to participate in activities in a home. But there is no right answer..

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