LBD - My wife is starting to tip over

Don T

Registered User
Jun 28, 2017
Hi, just wondered if anyone else has experienced this. My wife with Lewy Body Dementia has started to lean to the right, when walking and sitting. Not sure what to do.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I noticed that a few of the residents in the care home did this from time to time but only for a couple of days, some did it regularly, some just now and again, then one day my wife did it so I asked the nurse what the problem was.
She said it was constipation, gave my wife about 10 or 20 ml of some clear liquid and the next day she was better., the way the nurse said what it was implied it was common knowledge.
I've no idea what the science behind it is but whatever they gave her worked.
On reflection over the years my wife did sometimes say she needed to eat fruit and sometimes she took Fibregel (if that's what it's called) so I guess she was managing constipation and when she became ill she stopped doing it.
The home aren't allowed to give the residents any medication that's not on prescription even paracetamol but they are allowed to give this laxative without calling the doctor.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
From past experience with LBD agree on leaning sideways and constipation.
Leaning forwards, feet stuck to ground, I regarded as part of the dementing syndrome.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2017
My wife has FTD and for several years, has often leaned to one side when sitting down. In recent years, she also started bending forwards when seated, to the extent that her head would almost touch her knees and she'd fall asleep (even sitting on the loo:eek:). When sitting in the front seat of the car, she would lean towards me and I'd have to keep edging her back.

As she had to move into a residential nursing home last week, (plus during the last 5 or 6 weeks in an assessment placement), she has needed to be propped either side in the armchairs with her feet raised on either a stool or in a recliner chair.