lay all night and now a broken hip


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Just back from the hospital . My brother found my 92 year old mum on the floor , half under the bed , stone cold as she had been there all night. She was still dressed so we assume this happened late evening

Ambulance called and it seems she has broken her hip. She also has 2 infected legs (which district nurse calls to dress twice a week) can only assume infection has come on quickly. She also has a rash all over her body which she has scratched till it bleeds.

They gave her a block injection to kill the pain prior to surgery . We were warned that she is very frail and surgery has its own dangers . She was seeing men on the ceiling tonight.

Back tomorrow . Hope she has her surgery quickly


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Just back from the hospital . My brother found my 92 year old mum on the floor , half under the bed , stone cold as she had been there all night. She was still dressed so we assume this happened late evening

Ambulance called and it seems she has broken her hip. She also has 2 infected legs (which district nurse calls to dress twice a week) can only assume infection has come on quickly. She also has a rash all over her body which she has scratched till it bleeds.

They gave her a block injection to kill the pain prior to surgery . We were warned that she is very frail and surgery has its own dangers . She was seeing men on the ceiling tonight.

Back tomorrow . Hope she has her surgery quickly
good luck and hope its successful even just to ease the pain.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Its now been a week since mum broke her hip. The op seemed to go ok , tho we have noticed her memory has gone downhill big time . She needs moved on a hoist and is unable to weight bear as yet. She has a cathetar but gets lifted by hoist to the bathroom to move her bowels.
This evening , she asked to go to the toilet and fell off it. It seems she has dislocated the repaired hip.
Doctor says they will probably operate in the morning .
They told us last time about the dangers of general anesthetic and operation on a woman of her health and age , and here we are again.
Has any one experience of 2 operations in a week


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
No experience I’m afraid, but just wanted to post a word of support. What an awful week for you and your mum. I hope the op goes ok tomorrow. Keep us posted.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Just back from the hospital . My brother found my 92 year old mum on the floor , half under the bed , stone cold as she had been there all night. She was still dressed so we assume this happened late evening

Ambulance called and it seems she has broken her hip. She also has 2 infected legs (which district nurse calls to dress twice a week) can only assume infection has come on quickly. She also has a rash all over her body which she has scratched till it bleeds.

They gave her a block injection to kill the pain prior to surgery . We were warned that she is very frail and surgery has its own dangers . She was seeing men on the ceiling tonight.

Back tomorrow . Hope she has her surgery quickly

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
poor lady. what a thin to go through at 92 yrs old. Hope she has been made much more comfortable and not in pain or suffered itchitness. Was anything done regarding the hip, or is she too frail to go through
the surgery? sending you prayers and well wishes for mum


Registered User
Nov 26, 2022
I have no advice but just want to reach out and express my sympathy at what is a horrible ordeal for your poor Mum - and for you all. Have the medics been able to offer any alternative ideas apart from a repeat surgery/anesthesia so soon?


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
i live almost 80 miles away and have been travelling up and down. Today was my 1st day at home for a week. My son and my uncle visited this afternoon. Hospital phoned my brother at 7pm and he went in as lives near by . They were unable to tell him much except results of xray. Will need to wait till tomorrow to see what surgeon says (bank holiday weekend) I cannot see how there can be an alternative to fixing her hip


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
oh I'm so sorry to hear what has happened to your mum, and the worry that the rest of the family are going through, it doesn't bear thinking about, I hope she's being kept as comfortable as possible...x

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