Last stages of dementia


New member
Jan 28, 2024
I just posted on another site
My name is oriana and my mom is in last stages
Not eating or drinking
Just sleeping
When she speaks I can’t understand s died
I just hug her and hope she ll have a big if water at least
I need help emotionally
I can’t deal with this
I cradle her in my arms but I feel helpless
Pls tell me what I can do

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Oh my dear, you do what is best for her, cradle her in your arms. Love her, bid her farewell. We all leave someday to our rest. I know when my time comes, I will welcome it. My job is done. It will be sad gor you. You will grieve for her, but find peace in your heart that she is at rest, peaceful, paInfree finally. And knows that she lives in your heart and good memory. Tight hugs.