Just need to have a rant - please forgive me - I don't expect any replies


Registered User
Sep 7, 2017
29th January, 2024

Here I am yet again. Adding to the diary notes.

This morning got asked to pick up prescriptions from the chemist – World War III erupted.

Apparently she saw her GP last Wednesday, who accused her of stockpiling antibiotics. In August she had three months supply. In November she told me she needed antibiotics and asked me to put my hand on my heart that I hadn't got any. I asked her what she had done with the three months she had - she told me she'd used them! I hadn't got any and went to the surgery to get some prescribed for her. That was when I got asked if I was Kay - her carer!

Anyway, so she used (or so I thought) what was prescribed end of November and I added them to her repeat prescription in December and again in January (as she had apparently been taking them like sweets). December's still with me as she hadn't said she needed any more. Go round there Thursday and she's got a bag from the chemist, they had just delivered her repeat prescriptions to her that I had ordered a few days before and would normally pick up in a week or so. She was scribbling all over the prescription that I need to use for next month to request. I told her to put them in back in the bag. She kept saying oh this is so easy to do. I collect the month’s supply of tablets and prepare the weekly box of morning and evening tablets for her. She forgets that she even asks me to pop a paracetamol out of the foil because she can't and I called her bluff the last time when I took all the tablets round for her to sort herself and she cried and said she couldn't do it.

So this morning she asks me to go and pick up her prescriptions. She had told me she was expecting iron tablets, so I queried prescriptions! For her constipation and iron tablets. I said but you've already got the constipation liquid - I bought it myself she said. So I went and picked up constipation liquid, iron tablets and, lo and behold, the January antibiotics which hadn’t been included in the repeat bag. Took them round at lunchtime and she went ballistic. Why have you got more antibiotics, the doctor accused me of stockpiling them. I pointed out that she had none, November tablets were used and repeated December and now January. She said I told you you were not to order any more antibiotics and I was to order them and it's nothing to do with you. WTH. She said doctor was very accusatory and she was trying to protect me from the accusation of stockpiling. She then opened cupboard in the kitchen and showed me two more packets of antibiotics. So, needless to say, these were two of the packets I saw in August and then she insisted I got her more in November and what an almighty fuss she made at the time She started wagging her finger at me and told me it was absolutely none of my business and to leave it to her. I attempted to take a picture of the tablets in the cupboard and she screamed at me, I made a fist and she did her now famous, I always knew you were going to hit me, so I said nope but I'd like to slit your throat and I came away. I then went straight over to the surgery and no one to talk to other than receptionist who kindly made notes and said it would be put on her file that no more antibiotics to be issued unless she personally asked for them.

I forgot to mention at the surgery that I had to take a dustbin bag full of old medication over to the chemist to dispose of dating back to 2014. When I asked what the hell she was doing with all that medication, she said she thought she might need it. She had said tell them she had died and you were clearing out the house. Also, there is, in fact, another bag that appeared when the decorating was done in November and I got asked why I hadn’t taken that to the chemist? Erm, perhaps because it was hidden somewhere else!. Ah but you knew it was there!!!

I don't know whether to cry, puke, or what. . She regularly accuses me of trying to poison her when one of the statin tablets changes shape (as they do regularly depending on what make is prescribed).


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Ranting can be a lifesaver @pingpong I haven't got anything useful to say that you won't have thought of already. But maybe knowing that here we are listening and understand may help a little.


New member
Jul 30, 2021
I read your post and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Medication is such an issue for us too, with my mum berating the poor pharmacist, taking herself the surgery to demand to see a doctor and taking all her tablets out of their blister packs and mixing them up in a bowl. My brother prepares her doset box, but she often doesn't take them and insists that anything still in the box are 'spares'. She repeatedly tells us 'They always give you spares!'
I'm so sorry things are so tough for you right now.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
My mum didn’t take much in the way of medication, but she got in a right muddle with it and of course none of the muddles were her fault even though she lived alone and had no carers coming in. In the end she had a meltdown in the doctors’ surgery and accused them of poisoning her. The receptionist who phoned me up about it sounded really scared. The good thing was at least they then saw what I’d been concerned about for a year and it was the start of getting things in place to help
Mum. Which in our case was a move into care.
Don’t know if that helps @pingpong, but you are not alone!


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Very unusual to have anti biotics on repeat! Taking that many, she has surely become immune to them.

Is she taking paprcetamol every day too?

I assumed it was your wife you were talking about, until you said you ''popped round''

waving a fist and saying youd like to slit her throat? sounds like you need to step away


Registered User
Oct 18, 2021
AAAh medication madness, sounds like you are in the thick of it ! All I can I say is this phase will pass but while it lasts it is surreal and very stressful.

I could write a book on the battles and totally random episodes between me and my Dad ( and the hospital pharmacy and the GP ).

For me, these experiences taught me how to let go of trying to control dementia and I found these difficult lessons valuable when it came to letting go when Dad needed more care from other people.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
29th January, 2024

Here I am yet again. Adding to the diary notes.

This morning got asked to pick up prescriptions from the chemist – World War III erupted.

Apparently she saw her GP last Wednesday, who accused her of stockpiling antibiotics. In August she had three months supply. In November she told me she needed antibiotics and asked me to put my hand on my heart that I hadn't got any. I asked her what she had done with the three months she had - she told me she'd used them! I hadn't got any and went to the surgery to get some prescribed for her. That was when I got asked if I was Kay - her carer!

Anyway, so she used (or so I thought) what was prescribed end of November and I added them to her repeat prescription in December and again in January (as she had apparently been taking them like sweets). December's still with me as she hadn't said she needed any more. Go round there Thursday and she's got a bag from the chemist, they had just delivered her repeat prescriptions to her that I had ordered a few days before and would normally pick up in a week or so. She was scribbling all over the prescription that I need to use for next month to request. I told her to put them in back in the bag. She kept saying oh this is so easy to do. I collect the month’s supply of tablets and prepare the weekly box of morning and evening tablets for her. She forgets that she even asks me to pop a paracetamol out of the foil because she can't and I called her bluff the last time when I took all the tablets round for her to sort herself and she cried and said she couldn't do it.

So this morning she asks me to go and pick up her prescriptions. She had told me she was expecting iron tablets, so I queried prescriptions! For her constipation and iron tablets. I said but you've already got the constipation liquid - I bought it myself she said. So I went and picked up constipation liquid, iron tablets and, lo and behold, the January antibiotics which hadn’t been included in the repeat bag. Took them round at lunchtime and she went ballistic. Why have you got more antibiotics, the doctor accused me of stockpiling them. I pointed out that she had none, November tablets were used and repeated December and now January. She said I told you you were not to order any more antibiotics and I was to order them and it's nothing to do with you. WTH. She said doctor was very accusatory and she was trying to protect me from the accusation of stockpiling. She then opened cupboard in the kitchen and showed me two more packets of antibiotics. So, needless to say, these were two of the packets I saw in August and then she insisted I got her more in November and what an almighty fuss she made at the time She started wagging her finger at me and told me it was absolutely none of my business and to leave it to her. I attempted to take a picture of the tablets in the cupboard and she screamed at me, I made a fist and she did her now famous, I always knew you were going to hit me, so I said nope but I'd like to slit your throat and I came away. I then went straight over to the surgery and no one to talk to other than receptionist who kindly made notes and said it would be put on her file that no more antibiotics to be issued unless she personally asked for them.

I forgot to mention at the surgery that I had to take a dustbin bag full of old medication over to the chemist to dispose of dating back to 2014. When I asked what the hell she was doing with all that medication, she said she thought she might need it. She had said tell them she had died and you were clearing out the house. Also, there is, in fact, another bag that appeared when the decorating was done in November and I got asked why I hadn’t taken that to the chemist? Erm, perhaps because it was hidden somewhere else!. Ah but you knew it was there!!!

I don't know whether to cry, puke, or what. . She regularly accuses me of trying to poison her when one of the statin tablets changes shape (as they do regularly depending on what make is prescribed).
Have you asked GP if she can have dosset boxes from the pharmacy? It might not help, but perhaps worth a try? I assume the anitbiotics are prophylactic for UTI?


New member
Dec 12, 2023
29th January, 2024

Here I am yet again. Adding to the diary notes.

This morning got asked to pick up prescriptions from the chemist – World War III erupted.

Apparently she saw her GP last Wednesday, who accused her of stockpiling antibiotics. In August she had three months supply. In November she told me she needed antibiotics and asked me to put my hand on my heart that I hadn't got any. I asked her what she had done with the three months she had - she told me she'd used them! I hadn't got any and went to the surgery to get some prescribed for her. That was when I got asked if I was Kay - her carer!

Anyway, so she used (or so I thought) what was prescribed end of November and I added them to her repeat prescription in December and again in January (as she had apparently been taking them like sweets). December's still with me as she hadn't said she needed any more. Go round there Thursday and she's got a bag from the chemist, they had just delivered her repeat prescriptions to her that I had ordered a few days before and would normally pick up in a week or so. She was scribbling all over the prescription that I need to use for next month to request. I told her to put them in back in the bag. She kept saying oh this is so easy to do. I collect the month’s supply of tablets and prepare the weekly box of morning and evening tablets for her. She forgets that she even asks me to pop a paracetamol out of the foil because she can't and I called her bluff the last time when I took all the tablets round for her to sort herself and she cried and said she couldn't do it.

So this morning she asks me to go and pick up her prescriptions. She had told me she was expecting iron tablets, so I queried prescriptions! For her constipation and iron tablets. I said but you've already got the constipation liquid - I bought it myself she said. So I went and picked up constipation liquid, iron tablets and, lo and behold, the January antibiotics which hadn’t been included in the repeat bag. Took them round at lunchtime and she went ballistic. Why have you got more antibiotics, the doctor accused me of stockpiling them. I pointed out that she had none, November tablets were used and repeated December and now January. She said I told you you were not to order any more antibiotics and I was to order them and it's nothing to do with you. WTH. She said doctor was very accusatory and she was trying to protect me from the accusation of stockpiling. She then opened cupboard in the kitchen and showed me two more packets of antibiotics. So, needless to say, these were two of the packets I saw in August and then she insisted I got her more in November and what an almighty fuss she made at the time She started wagging her finger at me and told me it was absolutely none of my business and to leave it to her. I attempted to take a picture of the tablets in the cupboard and she screamed at me, I made a fist and she did her now famous, I always knew you were going to hit me, so I said nope but I'd like to slit your throat and I came away. I then went straight over to the surgery and no one to talk to other than receptionist who kindly made notes and said it would be put on her file that no more antibiotics to be issued unless she personally asked for them.

I forgot to mention at the surgery that I had to take a dustbin bag full of old medication over to the chemist to dispose of dating back to 2014. When I asked what the hell she was doing with all that medication, she said she thought she might need it. She had said tell them she had died and you were clearing out the house. Also, there is, in fact, another bag that appeared when the decorating was done in November and I got asked why I hadn’t taken that to the chemist? Erm, perhaps because it was hidden somewhere else!. Ah but you knew it was there!!!

I don't know whether to cry, puke, or what. . She regularly accuses me of trying to poison her when one of the statin tablets changes shape (as they do regularly depending on what make is prescribed).
So sorry you're having this... if ranting helps this is a good place to do it, where we understand what you're going through... although I can't give any advice, except o say that I admire you for walking away when things became too much...


Registered User
Sep 7, 2017
Thank you all for your kind replies. Today went round twice to walk the dog, ignored on each occasion. It's actually better that way - long may it continue.

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