Joint Accounts & Financial Assessment


Registered User
Oct 30, 2015
Please accept my apologies for this long post but I wanted to provide some background information for context.
My 88 year old father had a fall 8 weeks ago and broke his hip. He was admitted to hospital and had a total hip replacement the following day.
Dad was the main carer for my 84 year old mum, who is house bound and severely disabled. Mum couldn’t be left unattended so I stayed with her whilst dad was in hospital and managed her needs but only with a great deal of help of my husband.
Whilst dad was in hospital he was diagnosed with Anaemia, we were told prior to dad’s discharge that he would need an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy as an outpatient as they suspected he was bleeding from the stomach or bowel and this was causing the anaemia. (He has since been diagnosed with a colon tumour, results of biopsy not yet known)
After dad was discharged from hospital a week later it was becoming clear that we were struggling to look after mum’s needs and help dad cope with the constant dizziness and fatigue from the anaemia and recover from his hip surgery. I requested a ‘Care Needs Assessment’ 6 weeks ago and was relieved when this took place within 7 days of the request. The social worker informed me that mum would be entitled to at least 4 visits a day and referred this as ‘Intermediate Care’ which would be free for 6 weeks then subject to a reassessment.
My parents have 2 joint accounts with the same bank, one current account and one saver account. Dad’s private occupational pension and state pension are paid into the saver account along with Mum’s disability living allowance (Top Rate Care & Mobility) and her state pension which is significantly lower than dad’s state pension. The balance of this saver account currently stands at £30,000. My mum will need carers for the rest of her life now I’m afraid so I am expecting a financial assessment will be conducted once the 6 week intermediate care finishes.
They own their house jointly and are mortgage free.
Could someone please explain how social services will calculate what my mum will have to pay and would it be advisable to separate her finances from my dad’s. I should add that I have Power of Attorney (Health & Welfare/Property & Finance) for both mum and dad but so far have not had to use it.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
If it is your mum who needs the care, then only her “ share “ of their joint money will be taken into account, so 50% of what is in the account. They will also take in to account her pension and other benefits and then make a decision on what she would need to contribute towards her care costs ( if anything) . As your parents are still living at home, that should not come into the equation at the moment. The following link will give you a good explanation of this.



Registered User
Oct 30, 2015
If it is your mum who needs the care, then only her “ share “ of their joint money will be taken into account, so 50% of what is in the account. They will also take in to account her pension and other benefits and then make a decision on what she would need to contribute towards her care costs ( if anything) . As your parents are still living at home, that should not come into the equation at the moment. The following link will give you a good explanation of this.

Thank you SAP. I shall take a look.