Is it time for a care home?


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
That sounds fantastic Babypie!! It must be such a relief for you.

I rang Mam's GP today who in turn contacted social services who phoned me withing 5 minutes of the end of my conversation with the GP. My brother failed completely in his bid to contact social services as the phone was just ringing and ringing with no answer!!!!

Anyhow, I went through my tale with the 1st social worker and said that we didn't feel that we could cope anymore. She was very sympathetic and said she would pass the info on to the "east team" who would ring me. An hour and a half later another social worker rang. No info had been passed on so I had to go through the whold story again. They seem to completely miss the point. I was asked whether Mam had a handrail on her bath. That's completely immaterial as it just wouldn't cross her mind to have a bath if nobody was there to make her. They said the carers couldn't be doing their job properly. I told them I was amazed at how much they are doing in the time they are there and that it doesn't take long for things to get back to how they were after they leave. They said that they'd tried to contact me as her carers had informed them about the faeces all over the house. They hadn't tried very hard as no messages have been left.

The end result is that they are going to arrange for Mam to have another assessment but just her usual half hour one. I think they tried to phone me again but I was in the shower and missed the call. I hope they try again! We have taken pictures of the faeces smeared around the house but it's hard to see how they are going to get a picture of how Mam is living just by a half hour visit to a doctor's office.

Did I read somewhere about 24 hour assessments where they can observe someone to see how they cope with different tasks? Still, it's a start. We gave Mam turkey mash and carrots for lunch today. She scoffed the mash but pulled the carrots and turkey out of her mouth so it's clear that she can only cope with mushy foods now. She still manages toffee ok though.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
That sounds fantastic Babypie!! It must be such a relief for you.

I rang Mam's GP today who in turn contacted social services who phoned me withing 5 minutes of the end of my conversation with the GP. My brother failed completely in his bid to contact social services as the phone was just ringing and ringing with no answer!!!!

Anyhow, I went through my tale with the 1st social worker and said that we didn't feel that we could cope anymore. She was very sympathetic and said she would pass the info on to the "east team" who would ring me. An hour and a half later another social worker rang. No info had been passed on so I had to go through the whold story again. They seem to completely miss the point. I was asked whether Mam had a handrail on her bath. That's completely immaterial as it just wouldn't cross her mind to have a bath if nobody was there to make her. They said the carers couldn't be doing their job properly. I told them I was amazed at how much they are doing in the time they are there and that it doesn't take long for things to get back to how they were after they leave. They said that they'd tried to contact me as her carers had informed them about the faeces all over the house. They hadn't tried very hard as no messages have been left.

The end result is that they are going to arrange for Mam to have another assessment but just her usual half hour one. I think they tried to phone me again but I was in the shower and missed the call. I hope they try again! We have taken pictures of the faeces smeared around the house but it's hard to see how they are going to get a picture of how Mam is living just by a half hour visit to a doctor's office.

Did I read somewhere about 24 hour assessments where they can observe someone to see how they cope with different tasks? Still, it's a start. We gave Mam turkey mash and carrots for lunch today. She scoffed the mash but pulled the carrots and turkey out of her mouth so it's clear that she can only cope with mushy foods now. She still manages toffee ok though.

Hi Leslee

I'm keeping track of your thread with growing alarm at the lack of help you are getting. I hope that it's just the festive break which is causing this.

I have sent you a PM.

Love from Lyn


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Hi Leslee

I'm keeping track of your thread with growing alarm at the lack of help you are getting. I hope that it's just the festive break which is causing this.

I have sent you a PM.

Love from Lyn

Thanks Lyn. Social services have told me they have a skeleton staff on over the holidays but will reassess Mam after the break. Her GP asked me if she was in imminent danger and I'm beginning to wish I'd said yes! Nothing has changed except that a friend has told me that she's seen her beside the local park at 7.30 in the evening and she's managed to get at the tv wires again!


Registered User
Aug 11, 2012
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If she doesn't want to go to a CH, you can always say that this is a hotel for seniors, where she will be spoiled. I agree with the others: a CH is not an end, but a new phase in life. Good luck. :)

Just thinking

Registered User
May 7, 2008
North west
Half way house

Think long and hard before taking the leap to a Care Home. There are alternatives that may be worth finding out about in your area which may be suitable. My Mum was moved into Extra Care Housing which meant she had a little flat with 24/7 carers. It's cheaper than a Care Home (though still pricey) and there's a bit more 'freedom' both for her and for you to visit. She'd have to be assessed as to her suitability but it'd be a gentler step from her own home. Good Luck!


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Mam was offered a place in a lovely, newly built extra care housing unit a couple of years ago but refused to move. I think she's past the stage where they would accept her now though. If it was just her dementia, she'd be ok there but it's her bowel problems and subsequent hygiene problems that are the main concern and I don't think extra care housing would be enough to help with this.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Well, I left a message with the alarm people who answered the emergency social workers phone at 8.30 this morning asking them to get in touch with me. They haven't. Tried number again and it's permanently engaged. Getting very annoyed!!!


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Finally spoke to a social worker who is going to speak to her manager about an urgent assessment. She is (hopefully) going to phone me back soon. I told her that it's at a point where going to Mam's is a health hazard to my brother and myself and could affect the health of the whole family.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Finally!! Mam has a GP's appointment on Thursday. Once he makes sure that there is no medical reason for her not eating properly social services are going to come to Mam's house to do an assessment on Friday!

It's come to something when you have to threaten to stop helping your mother to get them to shift themselves


Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
Just as a side issue about pulling food out of the mouth. My husband does this all the time sweet or savoury.

I think it has become a habit.

scrambled egg, soft fruit, whatever. There is usually at east a 1/3rd of his meal like a pattern round his plate. Even the tiny bits in oxtail soup!!!! His favourite soup is oxtail!!!!

I wish you a speedy resolution to the complete nightmare you abd your mother re living with



Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Tyne and Wear
Well, we had the GP appointment this morning and she doesn't think that Mam has an infection although we have to wait for the results of blood tests. She is going to get in touch with social services who, hopefully will phone me to arrange their visit. If not I will ring them later. The GP has referred Mam to a dietician.