Internal interview at work - do I carry on as normal?

Confused Kat

Registered User
Dec 24, 2023
I’ve got an interview for an internal position at work. I work remotely and at moment. It’s a job that only comes up once every 10yra or so and I’ve sacrificed a lot for it. The interview panel aren’t aware that FIL is gravely ill and been in hospital for 2 wks and getting worse. I fear EOL. I work with them regularly but in group meetings so not had chance to share.
I am trying to be grown up and crack on. But I’m only half in work mode. I lost my own dad 1 year ago long drawn out suffering so I’m a bit raw.
I’m very strong and can cope with a lot.
But I’m worried I won’t do my best at interview and they don’t know why. But at same time we all have life struggles so why should this factor in in their mind? What to do?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Put your best clothes on, stick a bit of make up on too, pull your big girls pants up round your waist then go in there and nail it, promotions in the bag. Come back and tell us so we can celebrate with you too. Have faith in yourself. K


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Use it to your advantage would be my advice. If they ask a question about personal characteristics or strengths - explain that you are currently going through this and this shows your resilience, commitment to the job, ability to cope etc.

I would be impressed with that kind of response at an interview,


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Thanks so much. I have a lot of competition but will try. 🤞
Already out there buying the champagne to celebrate, if you can be a carer you can do anything, it's in the bag, don't worry just be yourself, you're here for a good time not for a long time. Good luck. K


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Agree with @sdmhred, that's a brilliant way to approach it.

I used to hate interviews, especially competency based interviews. I always felt employers ended up with people who were really good at competency based interviews but not necessarily the job they were being recruited for.