Interim Order / Finance question


New member
May 23, 2021
Hello, we have been granted an Interim Order for my mother in law as she is in a nursing home with dementia, and lacks capacity. We have no POA and so are going down the Deputy route. The Interim order is asking us to put together her financial information and we only have a few weeks turnaround time for their deadline. We have some info now, but some of the banks and financial institutions we have contacted have been very slow and evasive to get back to us - so my question is - by the due date to have the information returned to the COP, does anyone know if is ok to submit as much as we feasibly can and explain that there may be more to find out? Would we be doing anything wrong if we submit incomplete information back to the courts if we simply cannot gather it all in time??
I have tried to ring the COP helpline on a daily basis but can never get through, so I am hoping someone might be able to advise based on prior / similar experience. Thanks so much in advance. Rebecca


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Booj79 welcome to the forum. I don't have experience of deputyship but others here do so hopefully someone who will be able to answer your question will be along soon. I don't know if you are aware, but in addition to helplines the COP also has email addresses in each region for dealing with enquiries so it may be worth you contacting them that way. Details here:



Registered User
Nov 1, 2021
Hello I hope this isn't too late for you, but I would say submit what you have and explain when you contacted the other banks etc. You cannot give them information you do not have but they need to know that you are dealing with it