interfering relative in same home


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Mum 92 has just been admitted to a home for assessment this week. An elderly aunt has also been admitted . She is frail but sane. She has been along to mums room harrassing her about going home.
My aunt has agreed to 2 week stay in this home for a care package update (she had a fall 94, care x 4 at home)
My mother has scored poorly on the tests and has altziemers , is very frail and we have decided as a family a care home is best for her .
Naturally she would rather be home and cannot see that there is anything too wrong with her .
My aunt is going to unsettle her , i just know it


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I didn't think (don't know for certain) that close relatatives were usually, other that husband and wife were never in care together in a home.
(UK England for reference) but I'm sure someone on here can advise.
Sound a bit of a negative to me puting them together to me, aunt maybe trying to care for your mum (her sister I assume) and that could be unsettling for your mum, if I read it right. K


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
Sister -in -law. my late dads sister. She is 94, bodily frail but sharp as a tack mentally.
I think she is just projecting her own determination to go home .
I have never heard of relatives being kept apart. In fact when mum was in hospital . this aunt was in a different ward and another aunt in room across from mum (that aunt sadly died there) .
We joked we could put all 3 in one ward and sort out the visiting between us cousins


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
I chose to keep my Uncle and mother apart. My mother keeps saying she would love to be together - he has said absolutely no! So I just gloss over the reality with Mum. I’m guessing you didn’t get a choice.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@cymbid this is a difficult one for you to deal with. It might be an idea to have a word with the care home staff about your concerns. I am assuming that the aunt would not listen to you.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
I'm going visiting tomorrow, Will see mum first (and see if she remembers any of aunts conversation) I may have to have a word with my aunt . I suppose she thinks she is right (and its what she wants for herself) . Problem is my mum presents so well . In surface conversation you would not realise how bad she is . Aunt probably thinks mum is just fine.

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I'm going visiting tomorrow, Will see mum first (and see if she remembers any of aunts conversation) I may have to have a word with my aunt . I suppose she thinks she is right (and its what she wants for herself) . Problem is my mum presents so well . In surface conversation you would not realise how bad she is . Aunt probably thinks mum is just fine.
Suggest that you call the care home before visiting and ask how things are working out.