In case of an emergency


New member
Jun 28, 2024
Hi, I'm new here and looking for advice please.

I'm the sole live-in carergiver for my elderly mum (who has vascular dementia), and am trying to put in place some emergency plans, just in case I'm taken suddenly ill, and am unable to look after her during that time, since she's entirely dependent upon me. Who do I contact? I have no immediate family living nearby, so will have to rely on external sources.

Would social services need to step in? If so, how does that get triggered, and what would they do exactly? Would they provide support in her home, or would they have to take her into a care home? If it's not social services, what are my other options?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I cared for my now later wife for over 10 years and when I became ill and ended up in hospital social services stepped in and sorted everything out.
We have no family locally but they found her a place in a nursing home that day and sadly she passed away there while I was in a coma.
Your local social services should have a helpline or contact the local Alzheimer's Society and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Other organisations like AGEUK may help too.
Good luck from me. K