I'm new and would appreciate your thoughts.


Registered User
Feb 17, 2016
Hello. I'm new here. My mom has been diagnosed with Mild Dementia, and I am so confused about this...and don't live in the same country. Is this Alzheimers? Does anyone know? People say it's going to be slow moving. But decline is decline. I am super sad, but that's neither here nor there re. my questions right now. A family member is feeling deep distress and I'm dealing with that, too. Mainly, I want to know...is there any way diagnoses of this kind can be wrong, can indicate speed of decline, or is this all a complete guessing game?
I'm trying to hold myself together here.
Thank you.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2020
Hi memememeiii
I'm so sorry to hear of your situation, but your are not alone and hopefully this forum and the wealth of knowledge within will help.
Your confusion and sadness is normal, as frustrating as it can be.
I'd recommend taking a look around the Alzheimer's Society website as this may help answer some of your questions, starting here maybe: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/types-dementia/what-is-dementia

Alzheimer's is one type of dementia, there are several types all of which have slightly different characteristics, but under the umbrella of dementia and it's common symptoms which is an illness affecting the brain.

How was your mum diagnosed? And have they suggested any further tests?
Unfortunately, and I am sorry to be the one to share the news, if it is dementia, the rate of decline is a question every one of us would like to know, but it is so variable.

Please do use this forum for help and support, it can feel lonely sometimes but you're never alone here


Registered User
Feb 17, 2016
I appreciate your thoughts on this. I am also grateful to find this forum, as I think I'm going to need it.

We took her to a geriatric clinic where a doctor tested my mom orally for several tests, and had her recount info back, etc. My sister found it quite painful to watch. I don't know more than that. Our family GP, thank god, is excellent and a loving doctor. I believe the geriatric clinic doctor ordered blood tests or something, and referred the case back to the GP for a reduction of my mom's glucose (she's diabetic) before anyone can determine (or the consultant will decide) if my mom is a candidate for the dementia drugs.

I hope they DO get a more specific diagnosis. I will be taking this info from here back to the GP to ask.

My mom is at Stage 4 kidney failure, also, but holding. So, this remains to be seen. I'm not optimistic.
I will find time to explore for answers here. I did look at that link earlier. It's helpful!

Many thanks.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I believe the geriatric clinic doctor ordered blood tests or something, and referred the case back to the GP for a reduction of my mom's glucose (she's diabetic) before anyone can determine (or the consultant will decide) if my mom is a candidate for the dementia drugs.
There are several things that can mimic dementia, so doctors want to eliminate these first before making a diagnosis.
Hang on in there


Registered User
Feb 17, 2016
Thank you all. My poor mom. It just puts me right over the edge. She completely passed out from a tall island stool in the kitchen and landed flat on her nose and cracked it. Seriously. She is hurting. No idea what happened - but low blood pressure. The whole suite of health issues scares the hell out of me and mostly I just hate hearing that she is becoming weaker. The issue is MY inability to cope with what is happening. I have support, but I still cannot cope. It is the worst feeling. My sibling is falling apart, and so am I. I'm trying to just go home and make memories, but mostly we miss our dad and the past. I feel I don't know what else to do right now. I am so sad.