I want to find a way to obtain a prescription for Aricept for my Mother

christina joan

Registered User
Aug 7, 2008

I am new to this forum. However the Alzheimers helpline suggested I start asking around for advice.

My mother has been diagnosed with cerebrovascular dementia. Her NHS Psychogeriatrician will not prescribe Aricept because he says NICE precludes Aricept for dementia (even though there is research to say Aricept can help). He says Aricept can only be prescribed for moderate to severe Alzeimers. Clearly for NICE it is a matter of cost. Perhaps in time they may see that slowing down any kind of dementia is worthwhile, both for the patient, and subsequently in terms of paying for care homes for these patients. However, that is a debate that is subject to NICE's need to cut costs in the short term, and "let the long term take care of itself".

I am willing to pay for my Mother to go to a private Psychogeriatrician so that we can get a private prescription for Aricept. However I have hit a roadblock. I cannot find a Psychogeriatrician who also works privately. And, it is useless to try another NHS doctor as they are governed by NICE.

Therefore, I am hoping there is some way I can get some help:

(1) Have any of you encountered the same roadblock? If so, have you been able to get any help?

(2) Does any one possibly know of a Psychogeriatrician in or around greater London who will take private patients?

Any help or sharing would be most appreciated.


Christina Joan
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Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
Hi Christina

Welcome to Talking Point. Your circumstances must be very common ones!

I just wanted to remind members that they may not name any consultant, home, hospital, etc on the forum.

If someone has information that involves naming, please send a private message to Christina.

Good luck!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Christina

I`m sorry your mother`s consultant is unable to prescribe Aricept for her because of the NICE guidelines. He is the one to direct you to a private consultant, or your mother`s GP.

We do not support reccommendations of doctors on the main TP Forum, as it could lead to all sorts of complications.

I do hope you manage to find someone.
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Registered User
Aug 20, 2006
It is still a lottery because I believe that Aricept can still be prescribed, but the clinician has to be ready to justify doing so to their Primary Care Trust.

I am very sorry to hear that you have been caught in the dreadful decision by the National Institute for Curbing Expenditure. NICE...it is anything but.

Please do be aware that if you do manage to get a private prescription, then your PCT may deny your mother all NHS treatment. Some PCTs take a more "flexible" approach than others, but the NHS operates on an "all or nothing" principle. The justification for this is that all NHS patients should be equal, rather than "wealthy" patients who can afford to top up their care with things the others can't. In a way, this is seen as the NHS subsidising patients who also have private care.

I do not agree with any of this, by the way.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
While I can understand why you want her to be seen by a psychogeriatrician, I assume you are aware that any doctor can write a prescription for aricept? My only suggestion would be to check all your local hospitals to see which have private beds, and from there find out who admits to those beds.

Although I don't have any personal experience I am sending you a PM with a possible lead.