I suppose it had to happen.....


Registered User
I knew I had spoken too soon. After David's seizure on Friday I visited him Saturday and he seemed so much 'better'. The twitching had almost stopped and he was smiley.

Today was just awful. The carer told me that they had found David sitting in the chair in the lounge this morning with tears rolling down his cheeks! I sat with him and he looked at me with cold, blank eyes - I'm certain he didn't know who I was:(
The only thing he said to me, as clear as anything, was 'I don't know why'.

I stayed for nearly an hour but then just had to get out.


Registered User
So, so sad for you. The whole situation must be unbelievably difficult. I hope it was just a blip xx


Registered User
Dear Sue,

I think your husband's sentence says it all and his facial expression confirms it all.
Do look after yourself - you bear more than most are prepared to deal with.

Hugs and support,


Registered User
The only thing he said to me, as clear as anything, was 'I don't know why'.

Oh Sue, that's heartbreaking.:(

It's a question we've all asked ourselves, and sadly there's no answer.

Poor David, and poor you. I hope your next visit is happier.



Registered User
Dear Sue,

The couple of times that I experienced Alan crying really broke my heart and I couldn't help but cry with him so I can imagine how you felt and feel:( Just reading your post has brought on the tears Sue.

Sending a big (HUG)


Registered User
Oh Sue, how terrible for you both, and no answer.
Do take care of yourself and I too hope tomorrow is better.
Kind regards, Jo


Registered User
Dear Sue,

It is heartbreaking when this happens. I had the same with Peter and unless someone has walked that path, they will not understand.

Sending love to you and David and I do hope it was a one off.

Love from
Christine xx


Volunteer Moderator
Oh God, Sue - 'I don't know why'. How right he is. Please take care of yourself. xx


Registered User
I am so sorry Sue, it is heartbreaking and 'I dont know why' either.

I only hope tomorrow is better.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Dear Sue

I was so upset to read your post especially as David seemed to have recovered well from his last seizure.

I know how I have felt during the last few days so can imagine what hearing David had been in tears must have done to you.

And for someone who has lost his language to say `I don`t know why`, is heartbreaking.

Love xx


Registered User
Dear Sue,

I can feel your pain. My mum's the same, and the tears just roll down her face. All I can do is wipe them. She must be thinking the same as David.

My heart breaks a little more each time it happens, and my eyes find yet more tears...just when I think they must be empty.

My heart goes out to you, and to David.

Take care,


Registered User
Hi Sue
I have just read your thread, and I am sending you lots of hugs. You must be going through hell at the moment. Try to stay strong, remember he's in the best place.
My thoughts are with you
Anne xx

sad nell

Registered User
Sue so sorry to read your latest post, this illness is the pits,After a siezure my Trev is usually better for a few days, as though some of the placques have been removed, but improvment very short lived , which seems to be the same with your David, hope your next visit is a happier one love Pam


Registered User
Hello, Sue,
My heart goes out to you and David. This illness is so very cruel.
I pray that your next visit will be better.



Registered User
After a siezure my Trev is usually better for a few days, as though some of the placques have been removed, but improvment very short lived

Is that right Pam? - I just couldn't get over how much better David seemed on Saturday - which is why today was such a shock. Is Trevor very twitchy/jerky before a seizure? - David was and suddenly that seems to have stopped.

Hey Ho - another day another problem......



Registered User
Dear Sue

Just sending you a big ((((hug))),hope you are feeling a wee bit better,take care Marian xx


Registered User
Is that right Pam? - I just couldn't get over how much better David seemed on Saturday - which is why today was such a shock. Is Trevor very twitchy/jerky before a seizure? - David was and suddenly that seems to have stopped.

Sue, that's exactly what happened with John. His jerks would begin to get worse, and then he would have a seizure.

He was always much more alert afterwards, and would often say a few words. On one occasion he even started to sing to a hymn that was playing. But like Trev, it only lasted a few days, then he was back to normal.

He never cried though, thank goodness. I couldn't have borne that.
