I suppose it had to happen.....


Registered User
Hi Hazel
I think one of the reasons I found the crying so upsetting was because until now I have always felt that David was unaware of what was happening and I was relieved that this was so. If he was crying then he must understand what is going on and that is just so awful, particularly as he can't talk to me or understand what I say to reassure him.

I shall go and visit him again today - just need to get 'prepared'.

Love and thanks for all your good wishes.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
I do hope you`ll have a better visit Sue.
The ups and downs of dementia mean we never know what to expect, which brings about additional stress. And we even really don`t know what we see, what`s below the surface.
Love xx


Registered User
Hi Hazel
I think one of the reasons I found the crying so upsetting was because until now I have always felt that David was unaware of what was happening and I was relieved that this was so. If he was crying then he must understand what is going on and that is just so awful, particularly as he can't talk to me or understand what I say to reassure him.

That's how I feel too, Sue. I'd have been devastated if John had been upset, he always seemed to accept whatever was happening to him.

The onl;y time I ever saw him cry was when he was dying. I think then he was aware, and that was the worst for me. I broke my heart. But we had a lot of hugs, and I told him over and over again how much I loved him.

I hope your visit today will be easier, I'll be thinking of you.



Registered User
Hi Sue,

I know what you mean about not being able to give verbal assurances because of the loss of language:( Even if there was language, how would one reassure as so many TPers have said they wouldn't know how to answer? Perhaps to comfort David using other 'senses' like touch (holding hands, massage, kiss) or smell (perfume on a hanky for example). We often can't answer some of life's difficult questions but we can comfort one another.



Registered User
Just returned from visiting David today. He seemed much more relaxed than yesterday and I even got a smile:)

I took him for a walk along the corridors there and he is extremely unsteady now and had a big problem getting up just three steps. Such a shame as he really used to enjoy walking but I am too nervous to take him outside the home in case he falls and I can't get him up again.

Still not jerking as much as before the seizure, so I suppose when that starts again I need to be aware that possibly a seizure is on its way.


Registered User
Sue, hi
So glad to hear that you got a smile today and managed a little walk, I do hope that his recovery continues and you can both relax for a while now.
It's terrible waiting for the next stage in this awful disease, my heart goes out to you both.
Best wishes, Jo


Registered User
Hi Sue,

I'm glad that today David was not upset but actually smiled at you:) It doesn't seem very long ago that David was catching the train by himself each week!! We seem to have shared all the changes that our loved ones have gone through by being members of TP.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Dear Sue

A better visit today then thank goodness. But David is obviously being affected by these seizures. Let`s hope there are no more to come.


Registered User
We seem to have shared all the changes that our loved ones have gone through by being members of TP.


I was just thinking that myself Helen -it feels like one big family and I really don't know how I personally would have managed without TP.

Love to you all


Registered User
Yours was such a heartbreaking post, Sue, I am so sorry this is happening. We have to wonder how much more this awful disease can do to us, but I believe our love wins out in the end.

I do hope you have a better visit soon.

Bronwen x


Registered User
hello sue catching up with your post its sad to read and reminds me of times when harold had some dark days and didnt know what he was crying for it is soul destroying to see your loved one like this my heart goes out to you hope things improve milly