I don't know what to do next or where to turn.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2011
Background of Dad so far...

Late 2011: Still living at home; not washing, hoarding, cutting up clothes, hallucinating, wandering etc.

early 2012: Refuses any help from carers, won't take medication, usually out when they arrive. Threatens neighbour with violence. Makes large hole in back door to gain entry, even though all doors unlocked. Ruins all electrical equipment. Barely eats. Wanders day and night, gets lost.

July 2012: Is 'taken out for a drive' by member of CMHT, to be taken to CH for respite. I move him to a nicer CH 4 days later. He never mentions his home again. Settles well and seems calmer.

September - December 2012: Punches a carer and a resident. Picks up chairs and throws across lounge. Thinks he is at work and his 'team' aren't doing as they are told. Is put on Risperidone but no change. This is increased - still no change. Appears mainly calm but just flies off the handle without warning. Attempts to strangle female resident.

Jan - April 2013: Is taken to an assessment unit. Risperidone increased. Head droops down, starts drooling, very restless and wanders constantly. Shifts between depression and tearfulness to mania and laughing. Doesn't sleep. Now doubly incontinent. Resists personal care. Taken off Risperidone. Told to find him a NH as being discharged. Struggle to find one that'll take him. Find one that claims to manage 'challenging behaviour'.

April- August 2013: Moves in to NH. I discover the NH manager lied about bed availability. Not 3, but 15! Other issues with the NH come to light.
Dad remains resistant to personal care - can take up to 3 carers. Medication mainly given covertly as often refuses. Still thinks he is working and 'his staff' not co-operating. Is put on Quietipine - no change. Dose increased - no change. Barely sleeps. Wanders constantly, often into residents rooms, where he picks up their objects and drops them on the floor. The carers are scared of him, so understandably back off and leave him if he objects to them doing anything.

The past month:
I have noticed a further decline in my dad. Any emotion he previously showed to family has gone. I don't think he knows us now. As I posted in my previous thread.. 10 days ago he punched a female resident in the face. She was punched to the floor. The manager said " I decided not to take her to hospital, because once the bleeding had stopped she seemed fine". Eh?! She told me the lady didn't have any family but they would be informing her SW. The next day I phoned SS safeguarding team. The NH had failed to report this incident. It also appears that the NH have failed to report to the lady's SW, but they are still looking into this. I expressed my concerns that the NH are 'covering up'. He agreed.

I have been chasing the CMHT asking when someone will attend the NH to review my dad. The clinical psychologist left a message on my land-line saying she will attend either this week or next. Really? That quick! So, since this incident, no-one has been to see him expect me!

I went to see him yesterday. I struggled to sit near him. The smell caused by the lack of hygiene was over-bearing. His breath was foul and his teeth filthy. He had faeces under his long nails. His creased shirt had dried food stains down the front. He resembled a filthy old tramp. (I have spoken to the manager about these issues over and over. At times he has looked a bit cleaner, but this has declined rapidly in the past few weeks)
He was trying to move my chair ( with me sat on it) because he could 'see' it wasn't level. It was sinking in to the floor! He spoke of shouting and swearing at his 'team' because they just won't do what he tells them. He was mildly manic. I couldn't stay - it was just too much. I spoke to the Duty Nurse who said they were going to attempt to get him showered in the afternoon. They have to find a time where he will be more receptive. She said they try to get him showered once a week! They can't manage him, that's obvious. I just wish they would be honest about it. I feel they are constantly trying to prove a point; that they can manage, and if they are not seen to be, it's deemed to be a failure on their part. They are always on the defensive, even though I have never accused. I raise concerns and express that I appreciate how difficult he is to manage. It's so frustrating.

The SW has advised me to find him another home. Who is going to take him in this state and cope with him any better? How am I supposed to find the right place? No-one seems to be able to suggest where. I'm in despair! I need help for my dad and support for me. Both are seriously lacking. I'm usually able to stay strong, but I'm currently crumbling.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
I remember your post and it's awful that the home haven't reported a serious assault, albeit due to his illness, to the authorities. It is covering up and they should be able to do a better job with your Dad than they are doing. This is what they are paid for.

Have you had a carers assessment done?


Registered User
Dec 19, 2011
Hi Noorza

No, there hasn't been a carer's assessment. I'm just reading up about it now. Thanks :)


Registered User
Oct 16, 2011
Oh my heart aches for you. I am so sorry that things are this bad. I can't offer much except my support and virtual hugs I'm afraid and you seem to be doing everything that you can anyway, so well done you.

Just one thing - is it worth you telling us where you want a CH because it may be that one or more of us are in your area and could recommend??

My dad is in an excellent home which caters for dementia patients and the staff are really well trained in all aspects, challenging and otherwise, of dementia so there must be other homes around the country and maybe somebody here can tell you about them......

if you happen to be near redcar, I will happily tell you about the home my dad is in.

My friends dad is in an equally fantastic home in Lofthouse, near Wakefield/Leeds are etc if that is any help.

BIG hugs.



Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
What a terribly upsetting situation, of course you're crumbling, who wouldn't? I'm so sorry that you're not finding any help. I too have very little in the way of help or advice to offer. Dad was usually fairly placid although he became difficult when in hospital. He didn't want a shower sometimes even though he always had them happily at home, but most days it was managed, and he did respond well to family.

I can only suggest finding a doctor who is able to tweak his meds somehow to calm him. And I agree he would probably be better off in a very specific CH that caters better for this behaviour. I know of others here with someone with very extreme behaviours and they are in a more specialised place I think.

I just give you a huge hug and wish you much strength as you face this difficult ordeal. I wish I could do more.

Stephanie, xxx


Registered User
Dec 19, 2011
Thank you Oneloopy and Lilysmy.

Unfortunately not in that area Oneloopy. I read so often on here of many who are happy with the care their relative is receiving, so I hold out some hope. If anyone knows of a nursing home with an EMI unit who specialise in challenging behaviour,
Within West/SW London and the outskirts, up to the M25, please PM me.

Rageddy Anne

Registered User
Feb 21, 2013
What you're telling us is horrifying, and no wonder you're at your wits end! Wish I could offer useful advice, but we seem to be in another of those Black Holes here. Perhaps someone will be able to suggest somewhere better. We need a really good list of Care Homes, although I know nobody can advertise on here.

A huge hug is all I can offer, and the thought that some sort of secular guardian angel is near you. They do exist, I'm sure we meet them all the time....just don't realise. I think they do things like make a stranger smile at you in a supermarket, just when you need it most. Enough of my nonsense...I'd smile at you if I was there. ((HUG))


Registered User
Oct 16, 2011
I don't know anything about your neck of the woods sadly, but one thing I did when looking for a home was checked the Care Quality Commission website and I managed to at least eliminate a few before wasting time going to them all....

I have sent you a PM anyway, which I hope will help.



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