I care for someone with Dementia


New member
Sep 11, 2023
Hi, I'm new here, My name is Lucy and I have been a carer since January of this year 2023. I honestly thank god for this forum because I struggle to feel understood in my journey dealing with a dementia patient. I take care of an 88-year-old woman, She has been a joy to be around at the beginning, however as dementia keeps advancing it's been so frustrating to be around her. I am a carer and my job is to have all the patience and love in the world to give to this person but sometimes I don't have it all and I deal with guilt a lot. I feel like I was put in her life for a reason and that is to make her feel as comfortable as possible in this horrible disease and some days I really lack the patience, don't get me wrong I don't mistreat her but I do sometimes lose my cool and answer passive-aggressively.

I'm struggling the most at bedtime right now. I can put her to bed just fine but she will stand up from it A THOUSAND TIMES. It's really so frustrating to be putting her back to bed while you feel like you talking to a wall because the reassurance is no longer working and everything you told her a minute ago she forgets and stands up again. Her daughter lives in front of her, and if she wanders outside after I leave she puts her back in bed. Due to her dementia getting worse and realizing she needs 24/7 care, she will be going to a home soon, as soon as they find a spot. but until then we have to do with what we have here soo if anyone have any tips on how to keep the person from wandering at night so much or any alarms to put in the door that only alert you at night time?
thank youu


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
You could try something that a friend of mine did.

People with dementia often see black things as a hole, so he taped a black bin bag onto the floor in front of the door and covered it up with a mat during the day. She wouldnt go near it when it was uncovered at night.

I dont know whether it would work for you, but its a cheap fix so you wouldnt have lost much if it doesnt work.