I am unable to cope - Period


Registered User
Hi Dave hoe are you feeling today. Please keep posting and keep in touch have you though any more about getting some help in to tae some of the stress off of you. We all need help with the care at some point. Please get some. lindaxx


Registered User

i have been thinking about you a lot as well dave. you are doing a brilliant job but you desperatly do need help. please let us know how you are.x

Dave K

Account Closed
Dear Friends

A big thank you to every one....

I am still here but feel embarrassed that I worried so many folk, hence the delay in replying, so apologies all around the forum.

Really, I am sorry


Registered User
Phew Dave:cool:

Glad to hear from you. I won't ask any questions;) Just give you another phew and hug

Take care of yourself

Lyn T


Registered User
And another phew from me :)

Never be embarrassed, Dave, we all need to offload and things sometimes change for whatever reason. Just glad to see you back :)

Lindy xx


Volunteer Host

Please don't be sorry, most of us have posted when in a very difficult moment.

I hope you will continue to post here and that all the good people on TP can help make your situation more bearable.


Registered User
No need for embarrassment Dave, at some time or another we have all been in deepest despair. We are all dealing with a dreadful disease but with each other we can and will get through. Good to see you back.

Jay x


Registered User
Please don't be sorry or embarrassed Dave, we are all just pleased to see you back. Can you maybe arrange for some respite care for your wife, you really sound as though you deserve a break. Take care of yourself x


Registered User
Good to see you posting Dave

Nothing wrong with "letting it all out" on here, in fact it has saved me in the past. The amazing support has kept me going, hope it keeps you going too



Registered User
Goodness, don't be sorry, or embarrassed! We're all just delighted to 'see' you again :) :).

If you're still feeling very low, and want to share, then please do - don't be afraid to offload again if you need to, and if it helps. We all know how it feels to be in despair.

However, if you'd rather not, and would rather just move on - well, that's fine too!

More big hugs coming your way, I'm afraid :D.


Registered User
Oh Dave he's so cute! But even more work for you initially I'm afraid!

I haven't followed all your posts and I don't post often, and maybe someone else has already suggested/asked this question, but are you on anti-depressants?

I really really felt like you a few months back and desperately fought against anti depressants because I felt I was a failure because I couldn't cope and only 'weak' people went on depressants, but then someone explained that sometimes stress just stops the body producing serotonin which the brain needs to be able to cope with the stress, so it's a vicious circle and so after much wrangling with myself and much urging by everyone else I started to take them.

The first ones I tried were awful, they just didn't suit me at all & I thought b****er this, I'm worse than ever, but i got them changed and I have to say they've made a real difference!

Ok the situation is the same, that won't change, but I feel much more in control now and much more able to just function.

I know pills are not always the answer, but if they get you over the "hump" and enable you to see through the mire and then you can see more of a way forward.

And I agree totally with everyone else that you must try to get some respite/ help for yourself!

Walking the puppy will also be a huge mood lifter!

Take care x

Sent from my iPad using Talking Point


Registered User
Dogs are a joy Dave and an excellent reason to get out and have some fresh air to blow those cobwebs away. Hopefully Zeus will lighten your wife's days too. Nothing nicer than a cuddle with a little bundle of fluff.

Wishing you better days ahead,
