I’m so angry


Registered User
Dec 18, 2021
My husband is in his fourth year with vascular dementia and it is quite advanced. So far today, he’s blocked the toilet, hidden the weetabix and now I can’t find the charger for my cordless vacuum cleaner. I know he can’t help it but I could burst with anger and I’m really not an angry person. I look round the house and there is so much that needs sorting but there’s no point doing it just now because it will be ruined. I just feel so defeated. Moan moan b****y moan. I’m starting to laugh at myself now but I just want to have my own life back. I can’t help wondering what next year will be like. More of the same?


Registered User
Nov 23, 2023
Hugs. That's all I can offer, along with some empathy. I try not to look ahead to be honest, as that way lies some scary stuff, just deal with things one small step at a time and try to remember the darling man I married and dearly love. He is still there, just not as I'd hoped/expected. Hey ho, life does a real number on us, both the person with dementia and the ones who try to keep life as good as it can be for them. Again, hugs.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2021
Hugs. That's all I can offer, along with some empathy. I try not to look ahead to be honest, as that way lies some scary stuff, just deal with things one small step at a time and try to remember the darling man I married and dearly love. He is still there, just not as I'd hoped/expected. Hey ho, life does a real number on us, both the person with dementia and the ones who try to keep life as good as it can be for them. Again, hugs.
Thank you SeaGirl. I've calmed down now . I’m very placid really and just had a moment of sheer frustration. I'm so tired of everything disappearing and having to replace things. He’s cut down all the flowers in the garden or pulled them up. I just wonder what next.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
So, so sorry. One step is exactly right.
I can't relate to a partner with dementia but I know that my Ma used to do the same.
Basically, she would misplace and hide everything.
A lot of tape and detective work finding foods. I ended up hiding stuff myself due to having to replace or buy more stuff.
So the charger for the VC - hide it yourself so only you know where to find it.
Weetabix - just put 2 or 3 in one container and put the others somewhere else so you'll find it OR remove altogether? (ma used to have all bran and I'd find a trail - thought it was mouse droppings at first)
Oh Ma pulled out her flowers - she was an exceptional gardener. No more flowers.

Then I installed cameras. Worst reality show ever. (I live afar)

I think it's always something. There were times I walked in the house and just shook my head and walked back out again. There's no logic.
Hugs to you 🤗