Husband with bank accounts in his name


New member
Jul 18, 2021
Hubby in hospital six weeks kept falling over house is not suitable for him everything upstairs stairs are dangerouse wanted to sell would not know he is suffering delusion and has bad toilet problem so keep in a small room on his own had a couple of falls there has a small toilet in room keeps locking himself in there so nurse on duty thinks every one is a terrorist can't go to care home like this but all his money is in his name would be have joint account very controlling with money never spent it only bills and shopping let him get away with it 50 years stupid me so social services will take it had to apply to court as he won't sign papers


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Langton, and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. This is a very friendly and supportive place and you'll get lots of help and advice here.
Sorry you've found yourself in this situation. It's worrying enough without being concerned about your own money, paying bills etc etc. I think it would be a good idea for you to contact the Support Line on 0333 150 3456
or email to talk through what you need to do now with them. They are open from 10.00 till 4.00 today.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hello @Langton
a warm welcome to DTP
what a tricky situation you are in

it's good that you have applied for Deputyship ... if you are thinking of selling your property, I hope that was included in the application
being your husband's Deputy will enable you to manage his finances

in the meantime, you can also apply to be an Appointee for any benefits eg pension he is receiving, and can choose which account these are paid into ... so you will have access to money

if you have a pension or benefits of your own, do open an account in your name only and have your income paid into it

even if everything is in your husband's name, you cannot be left with nothing to live on, and the Local Authority should be aware of this
maybe check on what benefits you yourself may be eligible for

as for paying for your husband's care ... your home is disregarded when assessing his finances (even if you choose to move, as long as his name is on the deeds) so you don't need to worry about having to sell it at all ... and, as I understand it, even if he will funded by his Local Authority, he may 'give' you 50% of any private pension (ie not his state pension), so as soon as you can, organise for that to be paid into your new current account

it may well be worth discussing with the LA, when a financial assessment is done, that you have never been allowed access to any marital income or allowed to be named on a joint account, pointing out that what for other couples would therefore be joint assets, appears for you to be all your husband's; who knows, they may take that into account

I hope that currently all household bills are paid by Direct Debit, so you don't have to worry about them at the moment ... maybe start collecting together as much paperwork as you can so you can look into all this when the Deputyship comes through ... if you're not sure how to deal with these, Citizen's Advice will be able to help, and maybe AgeUK, or a family member or friend

keep posting as members will help and offer support