how to exit my wifes care home without a big fuss.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2012
Yes, this is a great post.

It never ceases to amaze me that even though my dad has been suffering with VasD for around 7 years, 20 months in a nursing home, I can still come onto TP and pick up some really useful hints.

At the begining of his move to the nursing home it was truly horrendous for him and us when we were about to leave after a visit. I wish I had been able to tune in here for some great tips. I did my best with the distractions but it was a difficult time.

I visit Dad most days for around 30 mins to an hour and sometimes he does get a bit edgey when I start to pack up and leave.

Why didn't I think to leave my coat and bag in the car and stick my keys in a pocket? I usually say I am going to help my brother with something, he's 50 next week but the baby of the family and Dad worries about him, so he's happy to let me go. Having said that he does sometimes look a bit teary when I stand and put my coat on.

Simple stuff folks. Thanks very much for the idea, will give it a go in the morning.



Registered User
Oct 2, 2014
West Midlands
To those of you with a spouse in care I cannot imagine the pain and wish you all peace of mind. When visiting mum, I keep my coat on with keys in pocket and always plan my departure around her mealtime with me needing to go feed husband, cat etc. She accepts this and I just say "see you later".


Registered User
Jan 29, 2013
South Wales
I always say I need go feed the cats (mum loves animals so this is a worthy reason) and I'll be back later, albeit later in week (she has no memory now and so even if I pop to the loo and come back it's a new visit, so I don't worry that she's aware of time between visits)