Homing for a young man with FTD


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Oldbury, West Midlands
Hi everyone,

This is my first time on this site and I was hoping someone might be able to help. I'm 25 years old and supporting my dad who is 44 with Dementia. His wife did care for him (if you could call it that) for about one year until she decided 6 months ago that she had had enough and asked me to take over the care. She has since not had anything to do with my dad and we seem to be getting on ok working through everything but it would just be nice to have people to talk to who are in a similar position. I'm currently trying to get in touch with his social worker to arrange funding for supported housing but because of his age I feel like I'm constantly hitting a brick wall so if anyone could help or has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Oh my word this is dreadful for you.

The provision for younger people with dementia is sadly lacking and you really do have to search hard to find the right support.

If you don`t mind I will move your post to the Younger people with dementia and their carers Section where you might get more support and information.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I wonder if this will be any help to you clarkie.

West Midlands forum

Dr. Joanne Allen,
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Birmingham Working Age Dementia Service
1025 Stratford Road
Hall Green, B28 8BG
Email: Joanne.Allen@bsmhft.nhs.uk


Registered User
Aug 2, 2011
north lanarkshire

I just wanted to say welcome to TP and im so sorry to read about your dad. i cant imagine what you are going through especially with his wife not helping in any way and not caring.

i am 45 and am going through testing for EOD BUT it has been a long hard fight even to get my own gp and the professionals to take me seriously at first and this was again, due to my age. I would suggest doing what i did in order to create a bit of fuss and that is to go to see your local MP and explain the situation. in my case he was extremely helpful and understanding and within a few weeks had appts for consultants etc. with dementia in the news so much at the moment im sure your MP would be happy to help. you never know, it might help get your dad the help he needs.

As for yourself, i would suggest chatting to some of the younger people on this forum and they will be able to tell you how they are coping with a parent with dementia. do take some time for yourself and please dont bare all this burden yourself. take help when its offered. you MUST still live your own life.

My heartfelt thoughts are with you and your dad and i do hope you get some good advice.

Hugs to you

Linda xx


Registered User
Dec 12, 2011

Im 27 my dad has FTD he is 52, sounds like your having a rough time of it, its all quite new to us, its a very big struggle we all try and keep very busy it does help a little