Hiya...I need support...


New member
May 29, 2024
I am stressed...I am at the end of my tether. I have been seeing a therapist but we don't seem to be getting anywhere. Going round in circles. I used to be told by a previous therapist "you didn't sign up for this" and I thought 'God, you're a hard nose' and I never went back but now I am thinking perhaps he's right. When you read books about caring for someone with dementia you have to do everything differently, you have to change. But bloody hell it's difficult. I am human. There's only so much negative stuff you can take before you think 'really?' Why exactly should I do this? I read some threads here where the carer says "I listen to my mum repeating herself again but I just let her carry on", or, "she sleeps a lot these days, I just take up her meals and leave her to do whatever she can do" but what about YOU??? How do you cope? Who's looking after you? Do you have someone who CARES about YOU? I am a human being and need certain things in life to show that I am wanted on this planet and frankly I don't feel like I am getting anything. So I am reading a book called Magic by the author of The Secret and we should be grateful for things to multiply the good things. I really have to get my head around this tbh. Anyway, I just wanted a moan. Thank you for listening. Xxx


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Don't just moan have a proper rant and get it all out, always someone here to listen and share, first 10 years are the worse I found.
Wife first then my mum too both at the same time here with me. If I can do it anyone can.
It isn't easy at the time but it's better than sitting in the kitchen posting on here alone now they've both passed away. K