

New member
Jan 28, 2024
I'm Fred, a newbe. I've thought about support groups for quite a while. But you know, The thought of sitting around with a group of old geeezers like me, (I'm 80 ) didn't really turn me on. (For one thing folks always put on a face, when face to face. Think about it: In a group, you always smile and laugh appropriately, nod correctly etc. Until, the meeting counselor decides it's time for everyone to break down and cry.) I'm not knocking that I'm just saying it's not my thing. I text ... yea, text on my phone.
So now I'm gonna "text" a forum.
Like I said, i am 80, and I know there are a lot of folks out there just like me. We didn't choose to be on this damn roller coaster but here we are. It's scary, I scream a lot, I Throw my arms up in the air to show how brave I am when I am not. It is an exciting adventure. I laugh, I cry. I know that she is on an adventure too, in a parallel world, similar to ours but without definite lines of distinction. kind of like a Van Gough painting.
So y'a know the memory thing: I often say I have a perfect memory, It's just the recall I have trouble with. ( you may all laugh now, it's appropriate... Just wanted to keep that warm fuzzy group feeling going. Are we still in parentheses? yes, so I'll go on before we go back to the memory thing. I'm a little bit crazy, have been all my life, only now that I'm older I don't care if everybody notices.) So I can barely imagine... Lucy's memory. where sometimes recall is there but you can't remember, or the memory is there but you can't recall it, the two systems are not in sink. once in a while neither is there. It must be so frustrating for her, sometimes makes her angry. I try to understand. but then I just nod my head and move on.. Anybody a Jimmy Buffet fan out there?
One advantage of Lucy living in a memory care facility is that when I see one of her fellow residents, I don't get get embarrassed when I tell them I can't remember their name.
Can I join?


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Fredalu and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. This is a great place to ask questions, share your story with people who really do understand and ease the pressure by letting off steam. You're in.