Hi everyone😊


New member
Jan 17, 2024
Hi I'm Joanne, just joined, menopausal bad sleeper currently having a coffee, mother to 2 teenagers, just us, and carer for my dad who now lives near me in over 55s housing flat since April last year. He had head injuries 30 years ago and wasn't quite the same after but changes 2018. Lived on and off with my stepmum but because of her health issues she couldn't cope. She talked all the time and he was quiet so I didn't know how he was. Major realisation of how my dad is deteriorating quickly and I'm feeling overwhelmed today. He has eaten a ready meal for breakfast past couple of days and today we've (my daughter) written meal times on his mini white board. He won't shower or change clothes unless I'm there to make sure he does and lies and tries to get out of it. 2nd visit from memory assessment people next week. I don't know what to do next, whether I have to ask gp to send him for scans to get a formal diagnosis on his notes? Think we'll send gp a message asking. On here support too😊. I was a Legal PA for 30th yrs, couldn't keep up with the job at that place so now starting a new job next month as a home visits care assistant... so shifts instead of 9 to 5 and a different work atmosphere. We will see!😊
Thank you all... x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @JoanneSh

Your dad won`t come to harm if he has a ready meal for breakfast. At least he is eating.

He may not shower or change clothes because his organisational skills are muddled. It sounds as if he is happy to do this with help from you.

I would wait for the visit from the memory people next week and see what they say. Will you be able to be there?

If your dad is happy to accept help from you, see if you can find a way to get an LPA sorted. This will give you the authority to act in his best interests



Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Welcome from me too @JoanneSh to this friendly and supportive forum,
I'm sorry to read about your Dad. Hopefully the next memory assessment appointment clarifies a few things for you.
Do have a good look around the forums, and ask any particular questions you may like to. Members here really do want to help,


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Welcome Joanne from another Joanne (Sigi is my mum). Agree with Gosling, at least dad is eating. I've realised that if I didn't put food in front of mum she possibly wouldn't eat at all - and as a larger lady (size 18) she always loved her food!