Help with my mother in law with Alzheimer's


Registered User
Jul 9, 2022
My MIL has Alzheimer's and last year was sectioned for 2 months for aggressive behaviour, paranoia and wandering. She was discharged and lived at home with my FIL since. Recently, the paranoia and aggression has been getting worse. Nearly every evening she gets out of the house and either goes to a neighbour or if she can't get out, rings my adult son, who has to go there to pacify and calm her down. I asked my FIL how does she escape and he admits to letting her out as she becomes aggressive and he is scared of her. He thinks it perfectly OK for the neighbour to take responsibility and my son to go round as an emergency. I know that the neighbour wants to know what is being planned as cannot go on for a long time, her dropping everything whilst my MIL rants and raves about being imprisoned. I feel it unfair for my son to drop everything and rush round. I don't know what the answer is.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @cat999, I think your father-in-law needs to contact whoever was managing your mother in law's case to flag up what is happening. Also make sure he has a charged phone on him and a safe place to go if she starts becoming aggressive. He then needs to phone the police. I'm sure he doesn't want to have her sectioned again, but it sounds like she is needing more help than she is currently getting. I also suggest that our son and the neighbour contact the adult safeguarding team every time they are called upon to sort your MiL out.
It may be worth taking your father in law to one side and explaining that a move into care wouldn't be a failure on his part but instead will ensure MiL gets the support she obviously needs.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2022
what support is she getting from mental health services?
She had an assessment last week and my husband (her son) was told that she would need residential care eventually, but it is down to his father to make that decision. The problem is his father who thinks it is fine to let her out to pester the neighbours when she is having a tantrum.