

New member
Jul 4, 2024
Hi I just signed up a couple minutes ago and i have joined this forum to mainly ask for some advice on dealing with my grandma with alzhemier's. Both of my parents and older siblings work so me, my younger brother and my grandma's caretaker have to well take care of my grandma. and if i recall correctly, she has some sort of condition that makes her oxygen level down dangerously which forces her to wear a breathing mask pretty much 24/7 but 9/10 times she removes it. She always start arguments with my parents which usually consist of telling her to wear her oxygen mask and her yelling back that she's not gonna wear it which ends up in an argument and my grandma still not wearing her oxygen mask. Alot of caretakers in the past have either resigned or straight up left because of my grandma's aggressive nature. She nearly strangled my younger brother once and it doesn't help that she doesn't cut her nails (probably because she screams and yells at anyone,except my aunt, for trying to cut it) You know those cranky cartoon elderlys that look like they have a personal vendetta against every living thing? yeah that's my grandma. I have been begging my dad to just hand to a nursing home because she clearly does not give a **** about anyone and will do anything she pleases unless they want to get their ass whooped by a 84 years old asian grandma. I can say MUCH more but it will take me forever
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Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
Hello and welcome to the forum @Vandergian
You sound like you've really got a lot to deal with. Are you from USA? It would help members to know so they can give you the best advice - care systems are different in each country.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome from me and I'm sure all of us on here.
There's something in the way post that makes me wonder if your posting from the USA, not a problem my mum was from the USA, you don't have to say but it might change the advise given on here.
Even within the 4 countries of the UK rules do differ. K

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