

New member
Jun 18, 2024
My name is Paul and I am POA to an uncle by marriage. Also full time carer to my wife.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @PaulP I hope you will find this forum helpful.

If there`s anything you need to ask or offload, just post. We`re not experts but there is a load of experience between the members.


New member
Jun 18, 2024
Thank you, I guess like most who find their way here I do have a query.
ATM I won't go into the full background but ask if anyone knows about current situation.
Uncle who has mixed vascular dementia was recently visited by a social worker at home, who then took him into a care home initially for some respite. Uncle was already on a care package and paying an amount towards this after being means tested by the local authorities social services department. I completed the paper work.
The social worker has requested copies of bank statements via phone call, I sent screen shots of up to date balances, throught text he again requested statements, can he do this, and how do I stand in regards to privacy and data protection regarding uncles information.
Any help/guidance would be appreciated.
P.S. This social worker also says Uncle has mental capacity to make decisions, though constantly misplaced keys and says I or family have taken them and locked him in.

Thanks Paul


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @PaulP and welcome to the Forum. I haven't had many dealings with social workers but am surprised that they are requesting bank statements. The only times that I have been asked for bank statements have been for the initial financial assessment of my wife's contribution and for annual updates. I have dealt with a finance officer at the council not a social worker.

As Attorney you have every right to question why the statements are required and whether this is legitimate. If the social worker believes that your uncle has capacity then perhaps they should be asking him about his finances!