

Registered User
May 27, 2024
Hello. I’m Ceri. I am struggling with my mum.
She has dementia and it is rather rapid.
I need to talk, but I don’t exactly know what to say


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Hi Ceri, you’re very welcome. It can be all a bit discombobulating. Just know you’re amongst friends here. Maybe have a read around and see what other folks are saying. No topics are off limits, as you’ll see! And between us we cover every emotion from humour to some very dark thoughts. We help each other as best we can, because nobody understands the trials of a carer, like another carer.

Whatever you want to say, whenever you’re ready to say it, we’ll be here to listen x


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
As said, whatever and whenever you're ready say what you want to say.
We aren't here to judge you, just listen and offer advise or help if and where we can.
Type it and then delete it before you post, sometimes writing it down helps, even of you don't share it with anyone else it can help you to focus your thoughts.


Registered User
May 8, 2024
I thank you for your reply. I’m wary of chat pages. I need to talk, but what to say!
Hi...ive not been on here long myself,my mum has deteriorated since January and 5weeks ago broke her hip which can't be operated on.. I find it difficult to get my head around the speed of things...I really feel for you and people on here are very good at giving advice...

Calon Lan

Registered User
May 21, 2024
Hi @ceggs,

I only registered on this site a short time ago, but I’ve been reading messages for over four years. My mum has Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.

I understand when say you are wary of chat pages. I feel the same way, but I have found this a very safe space where people support each other. There are many carers here who will know exactly what you are going through at the moment. People will listen to whatever you want to say whenever you feel ready.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
@ceggs please don't be wary of this forum. I would hazard a guess it's not like a normal chat page. I've never been on a chat page myself but I have an idea what you mean.
We all know what it's like being a carer - how challenging it is, even for those who are very close to their loved ones.

You can ask anything, receive tips on the best way to respond to the person you care for.
And of course you can have a rant. Nobody will judge you, everyone's equal - it doesn't matter if you've been on the forum 5 years or 5 minutes.

The people on here are some of the best you'll ever come across anywhere. It doesn't matter how daft the question, someone will know the answer.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @ceggs and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. We are a very friendly and helpful community of members who have experience of many aspects of dementia. This is a really safe space where you can ask questions, join conversations, share with people who truly understand and let off steam. I have been a member since 2017. The good ideas, goodwill and friendship I found here helped me enormously when looking after my wife. I am sure you will benefit too.

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
Hi, if you want to actually talk to a person maybe try phoning the helpline, I'm sure they are very experienced and know how difficult it is to say what you are feeling. Hope we can help you in anyway, trust us 🙏


Registered User
May 27, 2024
Hi @ceggs and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. We are a very friendly and helpful community of members who have experience of many aspects of dementia. This is a really safe space where you can ask questions, join conversations, share with people who truly understand and let off steam. I have been a member since 2017. The good ideas, goodwill and friendship I found here helped me enormously when looking after my wife. I am sure you will benefit too.
Thankyou so much for your reply (and sorry for such a delay). This is happening so suddenly. I say suddenly, but really it’s been since September last year. She was showing signs of slowing down, but we had to make an urgent trip to Scarborough as my brother had second progressive MS. Pneumonia took him after seven days at his side. It broke her and hasn’t come back. Since then, the deterioration is catastrophic.


Registered User
May 27, 2024
Thankyou so much for your reply (and sorry for such a delay). This is happening so suddenly. I say suddenly, but really it’s been since September last year. She was showing signs of slowing down, but we had to make an urgent trip to Scarborough as my brother had second progressive MS. Pneumonia took him after seven days at his side. It broke her and hasn’t come back. Since then, the deterioration is catastrophic.
Deterioration sorry


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Always welcome from us all and I'm sure and never worry a bit about the odd spelling mistake, we are all quite used to it on here.
Sounds like you have more on your plate than a spelling mistake, dont worry. K


Registered User
May 27, 2024
Hi @ceggs and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. We are a very friendly and helpful community of members who have experience of many aspects of dementia. This is a really safe space where you can ask questions, join conversations, share with people who truly understand and let off steam. I have been a member since 2017. The good ideas, goodwill and friendship I found here helped me enormously when looking after my wife. I am sure you will benefit too.
Thankyou. It has taken me a while to reply as I honestly don’t really have questions as such. I think this will help as life over the last year (just worked it out) has overwhelmed and lost me. I’m trying to understand and accept. I’m still grieving and very , very much resentful. It’s not a good trait. I am slowly coming to terms and seeing life differently. But not really fast enough for this change. Not really getting any medical support either. Not a lot they can do I guess


Registered User
May 27, 2024
I would like to thank this site so much. I haven’t posted or contributed much. But I honestly can see I’m not on my own. I lost my job (chef) due to being called away and my unreliability. Was given the chance to “Improve” which I knew I couldn’t fulfill.
This time of night is the hardest for me and my mother. She is so unsettled and not willing to go to bed. She sits on the edge of the seat, and clicks her nails. I do and very much try to relax her. There is no conversation now. Also over the last 3 weeks she has decided she’s totally incontinent. That’s not true as the day when on top form, there’s no problem. We have not had a full diagnosis. Her scan did show shrinkage and what seems to be a head injury…. That is shocking as that’s never happened. Went through time tests and oh my! She was (except for naming animals and the clock face) on top form. Still after 2 months waiting for memory clinic and incontinence clinic. She’s 76 so I’m getting the feeling we’re not going to hear from them. (St.Davids hospital Cardiff). I’m angry, frustrated and every thing else under the sun!. Asked for help and a basic assessment was all we had. Oh. And 6 physiotherapy sessions that did help (for her mental state as she has always been able to move)

Rant over!!


New member
Apr 23, 2024
Hello. I’m Ceri. I am struggling with my mum.
She has dementia and it is rather rapid.
I need to talk, but I don’t exactly know what to say
@ceggs Hey hun, welcome to the forums

Like everyone's said, we're all here to offer support, and you won't get any judgement

Anytime you need to chat or rant, please do. There'll always be someone here x


New member
Apr 23, 2024
@ceggs Hey hun, welcome to the forums

Like everyone's said, we're all here to offer support, and you won't get any judgement

Anytime you need to chat or rant, please do. There'll always be someone here x
So sorry about your mum, big hugs to you both
My uncle has vascular dementia and Alzheimers, plus he's also having treatment for bladder cancer at the moment x


Registered User
May 27, 2024
So sorry about your mum, big hugs to you both
My uncle has vascular dementia and Alzheimers, plus he's also having treatment for bladder cancer at the moment x
So sorry to read this. I hope the treatment is helping? I have been fighting for a diagnosis for dementia. Didn’t realise if I get a diagnosis all will be well. Silly really x


Registered User
May 27, 2024
@ceggs Hey hun, welcome to the forums

Like everyone's said, we're all here to offer support, and you won't get any judgement

Anytime you need to chat or rant, please do. There'll always be someone here x
I am finding it a little confusing. I have been suggested to see other chat lines . Seem to be unable to see them. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
May I ask other chat lines like what?
Originally when I joined this site something over 10 years ago it was the Alzheimer's society talking point, now it's dementia talking point, more inclusive admittedly and all that time no one has tried to scam me or anything, it's been a long time and all I ever got from here was help. Thank you all who bothered abuut me don't know why you do. K