

New member
May 13, 2024
Hello! I've joined because I am concerned my spouse has dementia. He spent three weeks in the hospital recently after a rectal hemorrhage - 13 blood transfusions later and a diagnosis of diverticulitis, which caused a burst blood vessel in his colon. Totally unrelated to dementia - I know. However, prior to his hospitalisation, I had concerns. He is 75 years old, and his driving ability seemed to be "off"; he was sometimes trailing off mid-sentence when conversing, and he appeared to be struggling with experiencing empathy. But, since coming home from the hospital, he has been angry, forgetful, and struggling to remember things. He has mistaken the clothes dryer for a washing machine, seems to forget the directions to somewhere he may be driving, is distracted easily when driving, and is always angry at me. He lapses into "moods" where he won't speak to me for days on end.
I mentioned this to the doctor privately, but it will be six weeks before she sees him. On his last telehealth discussion with his doctor, I mentioned his driving, which sent him into total rage. That was a month ago, and he is still angry that I said anything. I am trying to talk to him, but it ends in tears (mine) as he has become verbally cruel.
The only family close by are my son and daughter-in-law, who have both mentioned that they are wondering if everything is okay. My DIL thinks it may be just depression and perhaps working memory dysfunction due to the hospital stay but both have identified it is not going well with him.
Apart from waiting to see the doctor, what can I do? I can no longer express my fears as they anger him. If the doctor orders tests and an MRI, this may be another excuse to be angry with me. I have no idea where to go with this.
His mother had Alzheimer's disease, as did his grandmother. His older sister is fearful she has Alzheimer's (but doesn't want a diagnosis).
I could use some advice if anyone has any, as I am fearful of his mood swings; I hate living like this, where we are not speaking for days on end; there is no joy in life at all. I have recently retired and very much wish I had not as I am isolated and mostly worrying this is all there is left.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @CeeDee26 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum, this is a friendly and supportive place. Sorry to hear about your situation, it must be very difficult and worrying for you. There are various things that could be causing the changes in your husband's behaviour, and as your DIL has suggested, the recent surgery and hospital admission may be a contributing factor. Six weeks sounds a long time to wait to see a doctor - is this a consultant or a GP? It may be a good idea to keep a diary of your concerns and your husband's behaviour so that the doctor has specific examples of what has been happening. Your husband may be feeling scared or worried about what is happening so is taking this out on you, but as you raising your concerns is making him angry you could perhaps provide written details to the doctor prior to any discussions, to avoid you needing to talk about these during a telecall/meeting whilst your husband is present. It's good that your son and DIL are close by, and if you haven't already, do let them know about your husband's mood swings, rages and verbal abuse towards you so that they are aware and are able to support you. I think it would also be a good idea to speak to the doctor again to see if there is a possibility of an earlier appointment due to any cancellations etc. Others may be along with other suggestions for you, and there is always someone here to listen, but if you would like to talk to someone directly the Dementia Support helpline will be able to provide you with advice and support:

You may also find some useful information within the 'Memory concerns and seeking a diagnosis' forum here:


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