

New member
Mar 16, 2024
Hello everyone.
I don't know where to start really but here goes.
My Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a while ago and whilst at home my Mum really struggled to cope with his flashes of temper and aggressive behaviour which included physical abuse. He was prone to UTIs and regularly admitted to hospital. His latest admission before Christmas resulted in the Doctors deciding that my Mum wasn't able to care for him and he had to be discharged to a care home. We were told that we would be able to look around the homes and be involved in the process. On the 2nd of January we were told they had found one that would take him and he would be discharged to their care on the 4th. The social worker was so pleased that she had found somewhere for him and she even worked out a bus timetable for my Mum who doesn't drive. 3 buses, 6 hour round trip for a 75 year old woman who wants to see her husband every day was totally impractical to say the least. I take her as often as I can to a care home that costs £2700.00 per week for chipped cups, broken furniture and pasties with spaghetti hoops. We are trying our best to find him somewhere else but nobody seems to have the room or capability to cater for his needs. He didn't qualify for funding but they said my Mum would only have to pay for a couple of weeks before she fell below the threshold. They're charging her a bit more now though because she was still just a bit above. On Sunday my Dad collapsed and they couldn't bring him round so we all made the trip to find him still with us and settled thank goodness. The out of hours Doctor prescribed end of life medication just in case but that was over the phone. She has seen him now and put an emergency care package in place as my Dad isn't eating. We don't know what the next step is but we do know that finding out will be like driving through a snow storm. Apologies for length of post but I obviously don't know where to stop either.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Nothing to say just here to listen and help if we can.
You're not alone with us, been there got the t shirt or whatever, not in a snowstorm, just a world of snow shall we say.
All here to help where we can. K