

New member
Mar 31, 2024
My mum has just had a diagnosis of Alzhiemers she has been in and out of hospital but the last time after a fall when she came home she has been so bad keeping my dad who is 83 and her main carer awake all night and is constantly hallucinating. We have had no support yet and I would like to ask if there are any drugs my mum could be prescribed to calm her and help her sleep?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome.
Honest answer probably not, and I hate to be negative but sleeping medication is a double edged sword, it can make you sleep, it can make you more disorientated.
Back in the day it was called the Chemical Cosh, medicating people it's an emotive topic.
By the way welcome to the site and I now feel quite bad about how harsh I sound, sorry. K


Registered User
Mar 22, 2024
Perhaps your mam is still suffering with delerium? My mam still had this after a long hospital stay and we never really got her back. She was prescribed Melatonin tablets to support her sleep. It's a natural substance and your GP should be able to prescribe it. My mam used to take it at about 8:00pm and over the next hour would start getting sleepy and it did seem to help. I hope you get some support; especially for your poor dad. We all need our sleep, especially when we're caring for others.


New member
Jun 4, 2024
My mother is also hallucinating and on her 2nd course of antibiotics. You could try Horlicks which seems to have helped my mother a bit and things definitely got better after the 1st course of antibiotics as well.