hello new to group


New member
Sep 17, 2023
My wife is entering the final stages. She is nonverbal only uses the bathroom if I take her and it is hit or miss and needs assistance getting up and walking. Also I must encourage her to eat and drink.
And in the middle of Last night she puked, i did hear her at the time but discovered it later is this something that will start to happen ? We still sleep together.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
in the middle of Last night she puked, is this something that will start to happen ?
I dont think its a generally recognised dementia "thing"
Could she have eaten something that disagreed with her?
(does she tend to try and eat things other than her meals?)


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @msher8 and welcome to our supportive and friendly community. I am sorry to hear about your wife. Eating and drinking and toilet issues are amongst the most difficult issues to deal with. I have no experience of sickness associated with dementia but others may have. With luck this may just be an isolated incident. If you are not already getting help from professional carers it may be worth seeing if these might relieve some of the tasks you are undertaking. This link has information that you might find useful: