Hello my name is Maureen. My partner was diagnosed with alzheimers and vascular dementia in October 2023


New member
Feb 25, 2024
My partner thinks I'm one of many carer's all called Mo. Just lately he doesn't want me to sleep in the same bed as him as he thinks I'm here uninvited. I've lived with him as his partner for five and a half years He actually doesn't believe I live with him at all He gets quite nasty and says he wants me out of his house


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
My partner thinks I'm one of many carer's all called Mo. Just lately he doesn't want me to sleep in the same bed as him as he thinks I'm here uninvited. I've lived with him as his partner for five and a half years He actually doesn't believe I live with him at all He gets quite nasty and says he wants me out of his house
Hi Mo,
We have a similar situation, my mum has alzheimers, and although her and my father have been married 50 years, she will say the house is mine, it's my House, and we have to say No it's both of yours

Also when she is having a bad day, she will sleep In the back bedroom, and quite often, try to pay or say thanks for letting her stay.

It's a cruel disease, and heart breaking to watch.

Dancing Queen 41

New member
Feb 23, 2024
My partner thinks I'm one of many carer's all called Mo. Just lately he doesn't want me to sleep in the same bed as him as he thinks I'm here uninvited. I've lived with him as his partner for five and a half years He actually doesn't believe I live with him at all He gets quite nasty and says he wants me out of his house

Dancing Queen 41

New member
Feb 23, 2024
My husband thinks I’m my Mam. He keeps asking “where is your daughter” He has a mobile I’ve had to attach his passcode number on the back. He keeps texting me to “please come home”. Where are you etc He’s been treated for a chest infection. We were advised to sleep in separate beds because I wasn’t getting any sleep. It was difficult at first. But you can cope better if you’ve had some sleep x


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Maureen1945 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your situation. It is all too common I'm afraid. My wife of 40 years seemed to believe that - although I am called K - I was not the K that she was married to. Except sometimes. If your partner is stressed by sleeping in the same bed, I would suggest that you stop doing so. I did that and it made things easier for both of us. It is a hard lesson, but dementia means giving up on so much that makes life together enjoyable. With a little distance his nastiness may recede.