Hello, my MIL is refusing help


New member
Feb 11, 2024
Hello everyone! I'm Isabella. My mother in law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about 3 months ago. It took a couple of months to get her medication sorted but she actually seems worse on it instead of better. She is struggling to eat, the pills seem to have killed off what little appetite she had. She's also very resistant to any kind of help, unless it's from me, my husband or her sister, and lives alone. We are very worried, but she can't understand why she needs help. I'm wondering whether to ask the doctor or memory clinic to change the medication? She's currently on Donepezil.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @izcullen.

I‘m so sorry to read about your mother in law. I would certainly ask the medical folk to review her medication and let them know what your concerns are.

I’m really glad you’ve found this forum. You’ll find understanding and support here.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
Hello everyone! I'm Isabella. My mother in law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about 3 months ago. It took a couple of months to get her medication sorted but she actually seems worse on it instead of better. She is struggling to eat, the pills seem to have killed off what little appetite she had. She's also very resistant to any kind of help, unless it's from me, my husband or her sister, and lives alone. We are very worried, but she can't understand why she needs help. I'm wondering whether to ask the doctor or memory clinic to change the medication? She's currently on Donepezil.
Hello 💗

Welcome here x

It is quite common as a theme on the forum , not being able to recognise that you need help or indeed anything is wrong with you, it has a special name which I have forgotten but I am sure someone will pop on and give that info.

My loved one falls into this category. They lived alone for a long time with our support but they now live in a residential setting, still saying nothing is wrong and why are they there . It can be hard when someone clearly needs help?

My loved one is taking Donepezil 5mg the lowest dose. I haven't notice any improvement and he has been taking it for a good few weeks now but on the other hand no drastic side effects either.

You could check with the memory clinic/GP around the dosage and side effects first and maybe a check up just to be on the safe side.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @izcullen

Donepezil can make you feel nauseous and that might be why she doesnt want to eat. When does she take it? If its in the morning, she might be better taking it at night

t is quite common as a theme on the forum , not being able to recognise that you need help or indeed anything is wrong with you, it has a special name which I have forgotten but I am sure someone will pop on and give that info.
Its called anosognosia