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Glamar T

Registered User
Jan 27, 2014
My mum has been diagnosed with early Alzheimers. My dad looks after her and is doing a brilliant job. He doesn't share much with us, so I don't know what medication she is on and he doesn't let me come to the doctors with them. Mum is pretty good at the moment just very forgetful (short term memory) and repeating conversations and sometimes she just sits around in her night clothes all day as she can't be bothered to dress maybe two or three times a week. On a good day dad will take her out. What is frustrating my dad, is some mornings she gets dizzy spells and nausea. He doesn't know why? The doctor prescribed anti sickness tablets, but no change. Its not every morning and doesn't follow any pattern. Any suggestions please???


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Hi Glamar and welcome to TP :)

I'm sorry I can't help on the dizziness issue really - unless to try and give mum a cup of tea and a biscuit or piece of toast first thing? I wonder whether she could manage that?

Really just wanted to say welcome :)


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi glamar T And welcome to TP. Sorry to hear your mums been diagnosed with dementia.Sounds like your dads coping at the moment but he might need some help in the future. You must be a loving daughter who cares you've found this site and theres plenty of help here. So keep posting and take care. lindax


Registered User
Sep 18, 2012
hi Glamar T
I had this with my FIL he is on Beta Blockers for a heart murmor and sometimes he has these symptoms. My gp has said it is because his blood pressure is a little low and he has probrably got up too quick. As said beffore a cup of tea and a slice of toast usually does the trick - and welcome


Registered User
Sep 20, 2012
Hi Glamar T

My wife had similar problems, and her gp also said it may be getting up suddenly, dizziness may be caused by slightly lowered blood pressure. prescribed tablets and seems to be mostly okay now. She is also on Aricept, which has some side effects but my wife seems to have no problems with this. With daily dressing etc, I have tended to give the 'Hobsons choice'. "Right, shall we have a wash and get dressed first, or have our porridge and a cup of tea and watch Lorraine?". Having made the commitment OH seems happy to go with it, but I have to get used to the couple of hours for her to become fully awake, eat and feel comfortable. So far, I am getting away with this method. We chat about today's adventure and always go out, even if only for a ride, shop and perhaps a cup of tea, She likes that and looks forward to the daily outing. Late afternoon I look out for tiredness and (possible) sundowning. She will usually want to go to bed about 9pm, and I encourage her to do so, if that is what she chooses. Sorry if this is a bit long, but that is how the day pans out for us, for best results. We are probably the same era as your dad. Insidious horrible end to a worhwile life. Wish you and dad good luck.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Co Durham
Hello Glamar T
My mum has the same. Wakes up in the morning (or sometimes during the night) feeling sick and dizzy. (In fact those words are really starting to grate now!)
She has never actually been sick, so nauseous would be more accurate. She is of a very anxious disposition (as was her mother) and so I've always put it down to 'old-fashioned' nerves. GP has checked her over, and she's had endless blood tests etc, but nothing medical.
Sometimes a biscuit with a cup of tea, first thing in the morning relieves it a bit, and by lunchtime she's normally fine.
This was going on pre-Aricept.
Best wishes
Lu xx

Glamar T

Registered User
Jan 27, 2014

Wow! Thank you all for your support. I will pass these suggestions onto dad, hopefully I can get him to look at this site and together we will get mum feeling and being the best she can :)

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