hello from south london


New member
May 14, 2024
Hello fr0m south london. mother with dementia in a care home - frustrated and angry with how the system works so joining this group to see how everyone else is coping

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @eli2.

Sorry to hear about your frustration and anger about the care home system. I hope nothing is too serious.

Deciding on residential care for a family member is both a culture shock and a very big learning curve. I learnt quite quickly not to sweat about the small things and to accept nothing is perfect.

I hope you will feel supported by others on this forum and things are not as bad as they might seem at the beginning.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
A warm welcome to Dementia Support Forum @eli2. Until 3 years ago I also lived in South London, I then moved to the East Midlands.
You've come to the right place to let off steam or for support and suggestions, so glad you found us.


New member
May 14, 2024
Welcome @eli2.

Sorry to hear about your frustration and anger about the care home system. I hope nothing is too serious.

Deciding on residential care for a family member is both a culture shock and a very big learning curve. I learnt quite quickly not to sweat about the small things and to accept nothing is perfect.

I hope you will feel supported by others on this forum and things are not as bad as they might seem at the beginning.
thanks Grannie G its not so much the care home as the care team are fantastic - it's the central office my mother is a self-funder. I just cannot believe how they can loot her account with impunity becasue she is suffering this terrible disease-

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It happened to my mother too @eli2

All the money from the sale of her house went on her care.

The system is unfair but it is as it is.

My friend had her mother and mother in law in the same care home. Her mother who had always looked after her money was a self funder. Her mother in law who spent her money with no thought for the future was funded by the LA