Hello all. I'm new to this. My husband was diagnosed with mixed dimentia 3 months ago. The family knows it started years ago and has been gradual.


New member
May 22, 2024
Hello all. I'm new to this. My husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia 3 months ago. He has had it for several years but the changes have been gradual. Sometimes he says he hasn't got it. He can be aggressive. The nurse stopped coming and I know there is information out there but I don't know where to start. He has medicine patches.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @dryngo.

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. It must all be very frightening for you. There's some information here about mixed dementia -

You might find it helpful to make contact with the Admiral Nurse Service and talk with someone on their helpline -

Now that you've found this forum please keep posting. Members are quick to share their own epxperiences and offer support where they can.