Hello - all help and advice appreciated!


New member
Jan 25, 2024
Hi there everyone. If there is any such thing as "rapid onset dementia", my mother has it. She's almost 86, and has gone from the occasional "senior moment" to daily, quite intense "sundowning" in less than 6 months. In fact, there seems to have been a "trigger point" a few months ago when she had a dizzy spell at the doctors and spent the night in hospital. They totally ruled out any kind of stroke, and put down her sudden vagueness to a urinary infection, but it's never gone away, and as I write we're waiting for a date for a formal "memory assessment", but I'm 99% sure of the result already. She's still usually in good spirits, but a complication is that my father (also 86) has various health issues, on top of which he has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer. He's not in pain so far, but Mum was his carer, and her condition puts both of them at risk... they're both very "functional", and can cook and clean for themselves at present, but unfortunately I live about 100 miles away, so can only get to see them a few times a week, On the plus side, I lucked into a great local carer who pops in a few times a day to do their meds, check they're generally OK, do some light housework, take them for doctor appointments etc.

I won't go into more detail in this intro, but I'm an only child and this is new territory for me (and my wife, who is very supportive), so I'll be looking for lots of support, advice and coping strategies for various questions and issues I have in other threads. Thanks in advance, and I'm very happy to have found this site.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello and welcome @EssexBoy1 to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, and members really do want to help.
I am sorry to learn of both your parents health difficulties. Good that you have someone local who can pop in and check all is well .. because for you, living 100 miles away, will be very difficult for you.
Do have a good look around the forums, and ask any particular questions you may like to.
But also, please don't think that everything you read on here will necessarily be the same for your Mum. Everyone's journey with dementia is different.
Also please remember you will always find understanding on this forum, so if as and when you need to let off a bit of steam, that's absolutely fine too. Take care.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
It can be that a sudden marked downturn is due to an infection, usual one quoted on here is a UTI (urinary tract infection), a search on the site here for UTI symptoms and effects may help, never an issue with my wife or mum so I've no first hand experience.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @EssexBoy1.

I’m so sorry to read of your mum and dad’s situation. It’s so good that you’ve found this forum. You’ll certainly find support here and hopefully you (and your wife) will not feel so alone with it all.