Guidance. Not diagnosed.


New member
May 20, 2024
Hi . Im.jojo and looking to get some guidance please. Two years ago my mother was back and fourth to hospital due to concerns of heart, blood pressure, swollen ankles, etc. Throughout this I attended with her as she had brain fog snd could never remember. After this she was put onto ramipril and lercanidipine. However over the last 10 months her short memory is getting worse and I am repeating things said within a one hour period. She is remembering aspects froms years ago clear as day I've noticed she doesnt like food shopping and gets flustered and can just disappear. I have numerous conversations about discussing with doctors but she refuses. She admits her short term memory isn't good and she writes everything done on daily writing pads I bought her. I repeat things on a daily basis running upto certain events happening. How do I persuade her to talk to docs as it may mot be dementia?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Thank you from me, and sure all of us just for being there, never think you're not appreciated just for being from us all, thank you.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Jojocoffee

I`m afraid you may need to wait for your mother to see a doctor until she is ready but there`s nothing to stop you from seeing her doctor on her behalf to express your concerns.

The doctor will not be able to discuss your mother with you but they will listen and if you write out all your concerns and the frequency of her worrying behaviours, they will take them seriously.

I have an appointment with my doctor shortly to discuss whether or not my medication is of the correct dose and it will include a blood test. Your mother`s doctor may suggest this for her if they know of your concerns.

You have nothing to lose by contacting your mother's doctor if you are so worried and it will remain confidential.
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