Getting a GP appointment


Registered User
Feb 18, 2022
Mum has vascular dementia - diagnosed a year and a half ago and is rapidly deteriorating. She hasn't seen her GP since her diagnosis and her surgery seems particularly unhelpful. I was unaware of the possibility of an annual review until it was mentioned on this site (which has been such a help).
We received a message from her surgery requesting her to book an appointment for some recent blood tests results. I contacted the surgery and had to remind them that she is unable to attend, so we have a phone call - she won't be able to take it and dad is deaf so I had tried to arrange a home visit as she has also lost a lot of weight despite eating well. Hen's teeth springs to mind. Not possible, according to the lacking in any personal manner receptionist. So, we have a phone call, which I will take and relay to dad and a visit from the community paramedic who can't do much, other than the same as last time, which was to refer back to GP! Is this normal? I really feel that people with Dementia, and those caring for them have to fight for everything. Sorry for the rant.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Rant away, I rant here on a regular basis!
Was mum ever seen at the memory clinic? My husband has Alzheimer’s, was seen inour home by a psychiatrist at first but then we are seen annually for a review at the clinic. However recently he has deteriorated, I contacted them and the CPN has visited. Our surgery is disappointing to put it mildly, Write

a polite but strongly worded letter to the practice manager, stating your difficulties ?Give your memory clinic a go?
Keep fighting…..and ranting. Good luck.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2022
Thank you.
Mum was diagnosed at the memory clinic and discharged back to GP with minimal care plan. We now have carers coming in a few days a week to help with washing and dressing ( carers lovely but mum having none of it).
The strongly worded letter is already drafted, but didn't know if this is all I can expect in terms of any care and support from them. I get a sense that my own surgery would be very different, but I live miles away in a less populated area.

Thank you again


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
It must vary a lot across the UK. My (now late) used to get regular visits free from the people from the memory clinic team at home, sadly shes now passed away.
No secret on here I had viral encephalitis, put me in hospital for years, Ive been back home a while now and I still get 2 visits a week at home each week from the recovery team again at home, next one is tomorrow afternoon, don't know what I did to deserve it, its NHS so free.
One time recently she caught me 30 feet up a ladder helping a neighbour take down Christmas lights outside their house.
It must vary by location, I have no complaints about what was available for my mum, wife or me and that is well over 10 years experience on the site.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum was discharged from the memory clinic in her area back to her GP. Both clinic and GP were appalling and I had to put complaints in about both. Memory clinic had to apologise and change mums psych to the consultant and the GP surgery was in free fall( the practice manager left with no notice she was so disgusted with them!) So I think @Kevinl is right , it really does come down to where you live.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2022
It really seems to be a mixed bag, depending if you have a GP surgery that supports Dementia, which makes it all so much more difficult. Practice manager has been emailed. Thank you everyone, always nice to feel you're not alone, even when it's a place we'd all rather not be. xx


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
If my GP or any GP that had me, my and my mum walked into my kitchen Id ask who they were, I couldnt even tell you their name.


New member
Apr 22, 2022
Mum has vascular dementia - diagnosed a year and a half ago and is rapidly deteriorating. She hasn't seen her GP since her diagnosis and her surgery seems particularly unhelpful. I was unaware of the possibility of an annual review until it was mentioned on this site (which has been such a help).
We received a message from her surgery requesting her to book an appointment for some recent blood tests results. I contacted the surgery and had to remind them that she is unable to attend, so we have a phone call - she won't be able to take it and dad is deaf so I had tried to arrange a home visit as she has also lost a lot of weight despite eating well. Hen's teeth springs to mind. Not possible, according to the lacking in any personal manner receptionist. So, we have a phone call, which I will take and relay to dad and a visit from the community paramedic who can't do much, other than the same as last time, which was to refer back to GP! Is this normal? I really feel that people with Dementia, and those caring for them have to fight for everything. Sorry for the rant.
I feel for you . It’s constant . My mum also has vascular and struggles with most things daily . When a gp doesn’t get to see them regularly because everything small thing gets passed onto someone else to treat , the gp is unaware of the fluctuation in temperament and ability.
Battle on . You do a good job . A


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
Mum has vascular dementia - diagnosed a year and a half ago and is rapidly deteriorating. She hasn't seen her GP since her diagnosis and her surgery seems particularly unhelpful. I was unaware of the possibility of an annual review until it was mentioned on this site (which has been such a help).
We received a message from her surgery requesting her to book an appointment for some recent blood tests results. I contacted the surgery and had to remind them that she is unable to attend, so we have a phone call - she won't be able to take it and dad is deaf so I had tried to arrange a home visit as she has also lost a lot of weight despite eating well. Hen's teeth springs to mind. Not possible, according to the lacking in any personal manner receptionist. So, we have a phone call, which I will take and relay to dad and a visit from the community paramedic who can't do much, other than the same as last time, which was to refer back to GP! Is this normal? I really feel that people with Dementia, and those caring for them have to fight for everything. Sorry for the rant.
Rant away! The system doesn't seem set up to help dementia patients or their loved ones. I've almost given up trying to get help for us. 3 months of tests and referrals and we are nowhere. My man is declining so rapidly it breaks my heart and I've given up fighting, so good for you.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2022
It's heartbreaking to see so many not being supported. I had a non-apology reply, so am drafting mine. My son is Autistic, and when he was at school I was 'that' parent. Seems I'm now 'that' daughter. On the positive side, Mum always loved a moan, so she'd be pleased she's passed the moaning gene on :D


New member
May 16, 2023
@Javangreenmagpie I totally feel you. My own experience has been and continues to be horrendous. Still not waiting 2+ years to get my husband into the memory clinic. Can't get near a GP and I'm at my wits end. This place is the only thing keeping me going as the support you get from the members is outstanding and it's good to know you are not the only one struggling. Good luck x


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
My husband is now in a Nursing Home due to his complex needs and our GP was good to us but thats where it ends. We were in absolute crisis and even though we were on the Parkinsons nurse books,the CPN books,the Frailty teams books I could get us no help at all. Pete was having frequent psychotic episodes which were terrifying. Now in the Home he is on the GP's list nearly every week and all these other agencies visit him.
It is shocking that we are just left to struggle and recently when a physio asked if the hospital liaised with me I said angrily the only people who liaise with me are the ones who want money.
Keep pushing for help. Good luck


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
@Javangreenmagpie I totally feel you. My own experience has been and continues to be horrendous. Still not waiting 2+ years to get my husband into the memory clinic. Can't get near a GP and I'm at my wits end. This place is the only thing keeping me going as the support you get from the members is outstanding and it's good to know you are not the only one struggling. Good luck x
Hi @LifeInLimbo, Gosh that's a ridiculously long wait! How do you manage! After only 3 months my man has lost his independence completely. He has been lucky to get seen so quickly then. 😩 He's had a Memory Clinic Assessment and CT scan, but no formal outcome. I say lucky, but he's now partially sighted, hard of hearing, struggling to swallow etc. I agree that the support here is amazing. I've found so much out. X

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