Five hours of break per day.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2021
How do you fill 20 hours with someone who is constantly talking about non-relevant topics, but is very sweet?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
How do you fill 20 hours with someone who is constantly talking about non-relevant topics, but is very sweet?
It must be hard to listen to constant talking all day (although sometimes I would love my hubby to talk more) and I would imagine that it is tiring.
Have you tried to distract them with music or activities like simple drawing, watching television etc.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
How do you fill 20 hours with someone who is constantly talking about non-relevant topics, but is very sweet?
Oh dear, my dad was the sweetest man ever. Kind, caring, considerate, funny, witty and very good company but I was with him 24/7 and it was very wearing. I feel mean for saying that but there are only so many times that you can have the same conversations without it driving you mad. I have no answers but sometimes I let it float over my head and at other times I would distract with a 'would you like a coffee dad' or I would just disappear back to my jigsaw puzzle and hope for a bit of peace.

Don't feel guilty for feeling like this, dementia can try the patience of a saint, I know this, I have been there and the frustration is very real. You are doing the best you can in a difficult situation and you can do no more. Just try to find an escape somewhere. I know this is not helpful but it is the best I can think of at the moment. sorry I am not more helpful but I remember it well.

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