Finding the right care home for Dad's needs


New member
Jan 10, 2024
This is my first time asking a question on the forum but have benefitted from reading posts - for which I am ever grateful for what people share.
Dad has mixed Alzheimers and dementia, is non verbal, incontinent and is sundowning resulting in him walking around all night and dozing all day. He is also very frail and prone to falling.
He has been cared for at home for the last 15 months with waking care, due to a previous fall he had, but we have got to the point that he needs to move into a care home. We thought we'd found a good one, explained his issues in detail but got a call after a week to say they couldn't meet his needs. He was walking around at night trying to get into other residents rooms (he's used to no closed doors in his house), and when carers tried to take him back to his own room he'd become agitated banging his walker into them, digging his nails in and pulling their hair (the last two actions are new behaviour as not inflicted on his carers at home). Also he wasn't cooperating with his personal care (signs of a dirty protest!) and at one point knocked his meds out of the carers hands (he has always been OK with taking his meds).
Since he's been back home we have tried him on Larazapam but that hasn't worked as he's still up most nights.
I'm struggling to know what to say to potential care homes - it was suggested he would be better in a smaller care home that also provided nursing. Although I feel he currently doesn't require physical nursing so not sure what relevance that is unless the care home saw something I've missed.
I'm trawling through the homes on but am feeling a bit lost in knowing what wording to look for which would meet my Dad's needs i.e. does in need to be a nursing home and is he at a stage where he's in need of chronic dementia care and also how to communicate his issues as I don't think the one we tried really took on board what we said and I'd rather he didn't have to keep moving around as they find they can't meet his needs.
He lives in West Leeds so we would prefer to stay within that area for family visiting reasons - if anyone knows of a good care home around the area I would be grateful for a recommendation.
Many thanks

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Recommendations arent allowed on this site.

Have you connected with social services at all? They should be able to help, or at least my local SS provides list - not all do


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Recommendations arent allowed on this site.

Have you connected with social services at all? They should be able to help, or at least my local SS provides list - not all do
Thank you for letting me know. I did try social service before but they pointed me in the direction of web sites and gave me a copy of the Care Service directory they issue for the Leeds are. I'd appreciate any help with what questions to ask care homes to get useful answers. Thanks


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Sounds like he needs a home that can cope with his "challenging" behaviour so not a care home as such.
As has been said Social Services should be your first port of call.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Lmac and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. From reading your descriptions of your dad's behaviours i think that you need to look for a EMI (elderly mentally infirm) home or one with an EMI unit within the home. These are hard to find and you might have to contact a number of homes in your area to find one that suits your dad. When talking to the homes you need to give them the same information that you have given us so that they know what the issues are.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
You could try this crowd to look for somewhere as they cover all care homes and you can search by location and type.

Not all care homes are the same and they have different criteria for accepting people. I suspect that the place you tried said that they "accepted" dementia, which is not the same as somewhere that specialises in it.

When you contact them, be brutally honest about what your dad is like. Going into other peoples rooms, being up at night, resistance to personal care and a bit of aggression are all things that are normal in dementia, but are a big no-no to many care homes who classify it as "challenging behaviour". They are all things that mum was like but her care home (dedicated dementia home/EMI home) coped with it brilliantly, so it doesnt need a nursing home


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Hello @Lmac and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. From reading your descriptions of your dad's behaviours i think that you need to look for a EMI (elderly mentally infirm) home or one with an EMI unit within the home. These are hard to find and you might have to contact a number of homes in your area to find one that suits your dad. When talking to the homes you need to give them the same information that you have given us so that they know what the issues are.
Thank you - that helps in looking in the right direction. Appreciate it.


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Thank you for the links SAP and Canary - and for the information about your Mum - good to know you found somewhere that works for her.