feeling very bullied


Registered User
Jul 25, 2006
Dear All

Thank you all for your posts have gradually calmed down and taken stock, have actually got a little sleep and have come to the conclusion they can all take a runnning jump[the sisters] they can do as they please and I shall carry on looking after mum, she and I are the only ones here at the end of the day and thats that. If a cleaner materialises they can see to her, me and mum are off out, well when I've got the pair of us washed and dressed that is:D


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
yesterday she knew that something had gone off and was extremely worried about me leaving and was up 7 times in the night looking for me, consequently today we both look like dish rags

My mother just like that, she always pick up when something has gone off at home, I am upset, won’t settle down during the night, so I ended up not showing my emotion around mum, only always smiling resurging my mother, its bloody hard . I just thought it was my mother that happens to. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day with your mother.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2008
Kelso, Scottish Borders
Social work support and advice

Dear Suzanne,
I am in year three now caring for my wife. From the outset our Social Work Department have been brilliant. PLEASE consider making an appointment with the local Duty Social Worker and chat things over. You will commit yourself to nothing.
By the way, I had nothing but grief from my wife's family so I arranged for her to stay with them for a weekend. Once they had cleaned urine and faeces from valuable furniture, the floor etc, they all changed their tune.
Big huggies and prayers from


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Just a thought

Hi Suzanne,

Your sister alleges that you are 'well paid' for looking after your mum. Have you actually worked out how much this pay equates to on an hourly bais, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? And don't forget to add in 'holiday pay' for the 4 weeks and Bank Holidays that you would be entitled to with any 'normal' job.

As far as I can tell from your post, you're only receiving Attendance Allowance and Carer's Allowance. On a rough calculation this equates to 70p per hour. Well paid? Not in my book!

You're doing a fantastic job, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2006
Better today

:)Better day today, we went out but it was too cold for mum to get out of the car so we just drove around the area and came home, there are still a few leaves on the trees so she was happy. My sister rang this evening to speak to mum but was very cold to me, same as usual then. I have told the other of my sisters that I shall look into getting a social worker involved and surprisingly she agreed so shall look into it tomorrow. Thank you all for the support that was there for me, it was much needed and appreciated.Sooe, my sister that considers me well paid could outskinflint Scrooge himself she has never bought ANYTHING unless it was cheap [my philosophy was always buy cheap you get cheap]a little phrase mum used to say was " there better things in life do than housework" shall get that printed on a t shirt for Christmas!

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